Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Keystroke Killer Soundtrack and More
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In this week's Dr. Mel's Message
KSK Top Ranked on Google Search Engine
40 and Leroy New Episode is Out
KSK Party Central Highlights
Will the Real KSK Please Stand Up by Ian Mercer
KSK "Unofficial" Soundtrack Availability
KSK Self-Proclaimed Field Reporter Update
Photos of the Week
Update on "You Nailed it" List

and you don't want to miss...YOU KNOW YOU'VE BEEN TO A KSK PARTY WHEN

and don't forget to return often and check out The Actor's Slate and The Back Lot

JULY 19, 2013


Part of the early KSK Party goers in New Orleans
This week I don’t even know where to start as so much has transpired over the course of the last seven days.  I’ve been jammed with production things, which is a great problem to have and has kept me very busy since Robby is in Florida.  I can’t wait for her return.  

I also had to return to my oral surgeon as there was a huge problem with one of the tooth implants I had to have earlier this year.  Ouch! You see, last year during my annual teeth cleaning the dentist discovered a white patch the size of a dime and sent me immediately to my oral surgeon for a biopsy.  Needless to say, I ended up having to have several teeth removed and the "Cancer" area as well.  Then the rebuilding process with the bone graphing and tooth implants.  This was an eight month process.  

I was so excited last week, two days before the big KSK party, that everything was finished and I was looking forward to an old fashioned weekend barbecue with ribs, corn on the cob, and potato salad.  But no!  "Houston we have a problem,"  One of the implants was loose on Friday 13, 2012.  I had to go to the oral surgeon before the party.  However, before they could get to the "root" of the problem, no pun intended, I had to be on several medications first.  Then on Tuesday, I'd have to return to the oral surgeon.

Dr. Walter "Walters"
Oral Surgeon who gave inspiration
to the character Dr. Frank Franklin in
The Keystroke Killer
My oral surgeon, Dr. Walter "Walters" Jackson, informed me that he would have to remove the tooth to make a determination if it was the tooth, the abutement, or the implant itself.  (Now you know why I changed Dr. Frank Franklin from a plastic surgeon to a oral surgeon). The biggest concern he had was that if it was the abutment, and since it was cemented onto the implant screw itself, we took the chance of damaging the entire screw.  If that happened, I would have to have the entire implant removed and start over with a bone graph and implant.  HOLY COW!  

The good news is that it was the abutment itself and not the rejection of the implant they previously thought.  After six hours of sawing in my mouth, success.  They were able to remove the tooth and the abutment without damaging the implant.  SUCCESS.  Now, it will be several weeks, not months, before a new abutment and tooth can be connected.  But, considering that it could have been the implant as well, I"ll take that.  Thanks to all of my friends and family that kept me in their prayers and provided the much needed support.  Even my mother came down and "Nursed" me back to health with her homemade potato soup.

There was a bit of bright and shiny news as our beloved New Orleans Saints team signed our favorite quarterback, Drew Brees, to a five-year $100 million dollar contract.  Whew! It is well deserved and I can't wait for the NFL football season to kick off.  Both literally and figuratively speaking of course.  There shouldn't be any surprises in the fact that I am an avid NFL New Orleans Saints fan.  And, just like the time the Saints went and won the Super Bowl in Miami, I plan on being in that number when they win in the Super Dome this season.  WHO DAT!

Dr. Mel at the Super Bowl in Miami
In the midst of all of that, I am in the process of honing Transcendence: The Keystroke Killer and anxiously wait sharing it with the focus group I have selected.  I think they will be able to provide honest feedback as well as insights I haven’t considered.  That is the beauty of a team approach.  I love the added power and dynamics group thought brings to any project.

I also received word that three more actors were able to get an agent to represent them because of their audition they posted on The Keystroke Killer Fan Site.  I simply love getting those kinds of updates. That is true networking at its best on a social media web site.

And, to my surprise, I was informed by Google, that KSK and The Keystroke Killer is one of the top keywords being searched on their search engine.  Wow.  So, I decided to test it out.  I started by going to the Google Search Images page and typed in KSK.  The top five pictures included the montage of the members of KSK on Facebook, the original short poster for The Keystroke Killer, the ICON for KSK, a picture of me from the blog, and a picture of Johnny Rock, Diane Margizliano., Timothy Wyant and Tina Rubin, who BTW, were the New Orleans KSK party planners..


The next search was also a Google Image search.  This time, I typed out The Keystroke Killer.  I really couldn't believe what I was seeing.  The results included more than 10 pages of online auditions from KSK members, photos of me, the script, and things from my blog.  Look and see if you are one of the lucky actors that are being seen first when other producers, agents, directors, and casting directors, search images for The Keystroke Killer. Here is the picture of those results. This is only one indication how the online process for KSK is helping your own individual search results.


Next, I decided to do a general search on the web through Google.  This search also gave me an insight into our project.  Again, we are ranked first.  I only put in The Keystroke Killer.  Here is the result.


The last serach I completed on Google was using just the acronym "KSK."  We are in the top five here.  Take a look at the results.


Of course all rankings could all change next week, but I thought I'd share the pictures with you.  You are a part of something that is catching on.  I can't thank you enough.  Maybe, if I have time in the future, I'll do a BING and a YAHOO search.  Or, if anyone else wants to do it and send me the results in a jpeg, that would be great too.

Creator/Director/Producer:  Reed McCants

The latest episode of 40 and Leroy, the web series that I am one of the Executive Producers for, along with Neema Barnette, also came out this week.  If you haven't been following that series and want good old fashion slap stick comedy, subscribe to the series 40 and Leroy at  Lots and lots of fun.


Also, it was the first ever KSK Party Social Event, in both Los Angeles and New Orleans at the same time where all of us partied like movie stars.  It was great seeing so many people who I felt I knew face-to-face.

KSK member's Jack Curenton, Timothy Wyant, Stephen Beal, and Nick Blady manned the Skype KSK patrol.  This allowed us to connect our two parties and party together. In fact, we had KSK members join us from all over the world and thanks to Gypsy Elise, we were able to broadcast portions of the night's events live to over 17 countries. One such member was Ian Mercer.  Whew!

Jack Curenton manning Skype in Los Angeles
Don Robb overlooking Jack's progress.
Nick Blady manning the controls in New Orleans
DH Lewis and Bonnie Levinson doing there own Skype, Twitter and Facebook from Los Angeles
Jerry Lopez chatting from New Orleans to Los Angeles

Ashlie McRae, Dr. Mel, and Joseph McRae
My amazement was how much I already felt that a bar filled with more than 150 people that I never met face-to-face before were in fact not strangers to me.  Even getting out of my car, I instantly recognized Joseph McRae, as he did me, and we hugged each other.  The entire night went in the same direction.  Each time I met someone, we already knew each other.  Well, that was up until I ran into Gregory Kurcyznski, a Jack Curenton impostor, at the New Orleans party.  There this man was sitting at the bar, and I went up to him etc., and he didn’t know who I was.  I really thought Jack was pulling a fast one on me and flew into New Orleans for the party.  Boy, did I get a surprise of a lifetime when I went over to the Skype table and there was Jack on the Screen with DH Lewis.  My first thought was Judas’ words, “I can be anywhere, at anytime, you’ll never know when I’ll be watching.”  Whew!  I knew doppelgangers existed.  In fact, I have one.  But this really blew my mind.  We finally introduced Jack, via Skype, to his look-a-like Greg, who it turns out to be another producer and director currently working in New Orleans.  

Doppelganger on the left and Dr. Mel on the right.  Really, that is not me on the left.

The two Jacks - Will the real Jack please stand up?

(Gregory Kurcyznski on the left and Jack Curenton on the right.)

Johnny Rock and Ryan De Sade
The night was full of entertainment.  Kicking off the party in New Orleans , C. Beever's, was our very own KSK member Johnny Rock as DJ.  He got things started with his one of a style taking us back to the fifties all the way up to some of today’s hottest hits.  And, I got my first dance of the evening with Challa Sabree.  I guess DH Lewis and I have a lot in common in that area as it is my understanding she got the Los Angeles party started by dancing. 

Once Johnny Rock got things started, Gypsy Elise, accompanied by the fabulous keyboardist Ryan De Sade, shook things up with local favorites songs like Brown Eyed Girl and then a complete set of original music.  Also available was the limited edition of THE KEYSTROKE KILLER “Unofficial Soundtrack” with more than 15 original songs.  It truly is one of a kind album.  There are a couple of the CDs remaining.  If you are interested, you may purchase it from Gypsy Elise.  It is a limited edition printing, but if there is enough interest, I think we may be able to swing a second edition.

Gypsy Elise and Ryan De Sade at C Beevers, July 13, 2012
While New Orleans was rocking the night away to the sounds from Johnny Rock and the fantastic music from Gypsy Elise, Los Angeles was rocking out to the music of The Will Call Band.

The Will Call Band,  performing at the Los Angeles KSK Party


Music by Gypsy Elise and the Royal Blues Street Band

Front and Back Jacket of "Unofficial Soundtrack" for The Keystroke Killer
Music by Gypsy Elise and The Royal Blues Band
CD"s available for a limited time only
Also more music from Gypsy Elise available at the link above


While New Orleans was enjoying the beautiful vocals from Gypsy Elise, in her Southern Blues and Jazz style, Los Angeles was keeping up with us with their own music.  
Natalie Sharp and Rockin Dopsie impromptu performance
We had all sorts of celebrities in the house including New Orleans royalty Rockin’ Dopsie, front for the band, Rockin’ Dopsie, Jr. and The Zydeco Twisters.  KSK party goers in New Orleans were treated with impromptu performances by Dopsie, both as a solo, and with a couple of our KSK members, who shared their vocal talent as Gypsy took a vocal break.  Stunning the crowd, Natalie Sharp, KSK Member, who auditioned for the role of Jenni, took to the microphone to sing her rendition of Prince’s Purple Rain.  Dopsie couldn’t keep seated and bolted from the bar to join in on the song with her.  He also sang with other KSK members and around 200AM he took the stage all to himself entertaining us late, late, late KSK party goers in New Orleans.  Who Dat say we can't party in Nawlins baby?

Also in the crowd was a cast member from the movie series Twilight and some other local musicians.  Heck, even Elvis made an entrance at one point.  I guess he came from the Fourth Dimension via Judas.


The KSK party Skyped into the Los Angeles party where things were rolling as well.  It was so much fun to talk with Jack Curenton, Rob Patterson, Gina Lee, DH Lewis, Stephen Beal, Michael Briggs, James Karnes, Trace Schroeder, and lots, lots more including Robby Stroud, who was in Florida.  It’s my understanding that the party got lively in Los Angeles as well and the band on their end played overtime because of the inspiration of the music Gypsy Elise was playing in New Orleans.
DH Lewis and Bonnie Levinson
We did experience some technical difficulties with Skyping, mainly because it was so hard to hear with the loud music and crowds on both ends.  However, we’re a creative problem-solving group, just the kind of people I want to work with on a film, and we resorted to writing on napkins and communicating that way.  In a way, it was like instant tweeting.  However, we could see the reactions of the people reading each message.

One special moment at the New Orleans party happened as I was presented a plaque from all KSK MEMBERS by the Tina Rubin, one of the party planners.  I was overwhelmed.  This is what the plaque read.

Dr. Melissa Caudle
Voted best “2012” screenwriter and creator from all the KSK members.
You have our deepest appreciation for presenting the Opportunity to talent nationwide,
For the first time ever audition process in film history.
We will always remember this special and unforgettable project.
July 13, 2012

Like I said, I was overwhelmed.  Since when does a screenwriter and creator of a project get a plaque before you even start filming?  Since the beginning of this project nothing but "Firsts" are happening right and left.  I can't explain to anyone why.  In fact, the other night Greg, Jack's look-a-like, asked me what I did to get the attention onto KSK.  I really didn't have a particular answer.  This just goes to show the type of group that has assembled here on Facebook in support of a project.

Tina Rubin, who auditioned for Dr. Elizabeth Wright, presented Dr. Mel with a plaque 
From all KSK Members
I would be remiss if I didn’t thank the teams who worked so hard to make this event special.  The New Orleans team consisted of Johnny Rock, Tina Rubin, Timothy Wyant and Diane Marzigiliano and Nick Blady.  And, in Los Angeles, Jack Curenton and Stephen Beal.  Also, a huge thanks to Gypsy Elise and Ryan De Sade, who provided such fantastic entertainment throughout the night.  I also want to thank both venues for the spaces - C Beavers in Metairie and the 49th Air  Squadron in Van Nuys, Ca.  Thank you to everyone for making Friday 13th a day I will always cherish.  I love this group.

If meet and greet parties, like the KSK parties on July 13, 2012, are any indication of the bonding of this group has already formed, just imagine what it is going to be like when we start filming.  We may never want to get off the elevator.  This means we’ll just have to do another film.  As a very good friend I met while working on a Sony film, actually, she was the Production Supervisor; there aren’t any goodbyes in this industry, but rather, until the next film.


Timothy Wyant, self-proclaimed KSK Field Reporter, sums up the night of the party very well in this funny You Tube video.  Wyant was one of the party planner group in New Orleans that posted funny You Tube videos promoting the upcoming KSK social event.  Too, too funny.  And, if you didn't watch them, please take the time to watch from the first one up to the last. It is very entertaining.  Oh, (hint), Timothy may have is own web series going and he doesn't even know it with his many characters he did throughout the promotion.  GREAT JOB!  Now, if we only knew what Judas thinks of it all.

By James Karnes

Well the KSK party on Friday the 13th was a much anticipated event here in Los Angeles. This writer was filled with much anticipation and trepidation as he braved the 101 to 405 interchange on a Friday night in the city that truly never sleeps Los Angeles. Amazingly enough the freeways were clear in the direction I was travelling. A very good omen for the above mentioned infamous date.

Before the party at the
94th Aero Squadron, Van Nuys, C
As I arrived at the 94th Aero Squadron, the location of the party, not in Los Angeles, but in the city of Van Nuys California near the airport, I noticed another actor entering the premises. I walked into the building, a quaint establishment with a Bi Plane out in front and a room in the form of a bombed out French café. I was directed to the party room. There was Jack in front of the monitor and computer. It was a rather small gathering I had expected a much larger crowd. 

There were snacks and the New Orleans party well under way. It was great seeing the faces behind the pictures and auditions viewed online. Meeting those wonderful people was an experience I would suggest to anyone. Seeing actors outside an audition room can be impersonal and cool. Everyone at the party was very friendly and warm. We all gathered around the monitor to say hey to everyone in New Orleans, Skype is a wonderful tool, there were some problems staying connected but Jack and a friend of his fixed that right away. We got a message from New Orleans that said something to the effect of, Skype party over drinking now. I don’t really remember the total message but it was to that effect. It wasn’t true Skype kept on going, thankfully.

We talked among ourselves as well such deep conversation such as, say does anyone know how much you can drink in this state without getting a DUII or where is that breathalyzer anyway?  Just kidding, we did make connections with each other.


By Dr. Melissa Caudle

First, I want to apologize for this section because I am not a comedian.  However, I thought it would be fun to share some of my ideas with KSK members and others who follow this blog what it is like to go to a KSK social event.


You know when you've been to a KSK party when:

13. You wake up in a trailer in Mississippi and don't remember how you got there.

12. You know you came with someone, but can't seem to find them anywhere.  There isn't a trace of them.

11. You can't remember you're own name or the name of a Twilight star sitting next to you.

10.You randomly start hugging and kissing people you have never met face-to-face.

9.  When you can't find your purse or camera the next morning.

8.  You call home for directions from C Beavers.

7.  The last thing you remember was...hell, I don't really remember that one.

6.  You're on the front page of the local newspaper as a potential stalker.

5.  You find yourself writing on napkins to communicate and think it's normal.

4.  When you are seeing two Jacks.  How did he do that?

3.  You had fun watching a puppet playing a saxophone.

2.  You wished you took home leftover gumbo, red beans and rice, and meatballs for a hangover cure.

1.  The police come to your door the next morning and ask if you know Timothy Wyant, Jack Curenton, Challa Sabree, Chris Swirls, Jerry Lopez, and DH Lewis and want to know the whereabouts on Judas Greenberg and Dr. Garrick Angela.

DH Lewis, Gina Lee, and Jack Curenton
Diana Marzigliano , Tymothy Wyant and Carol Ann Scruggs
Johnny Rock and Rockin Dopsie
Natalie Sharp, Timothy Wyant, and De'Cha LaVeau
Joseph McRae in the background

Would the REAL Keystroke Killer please stand up?

By Ian Mercer, Liverpool, England

Mr Tiglet, created by Ian Mercer
Liverpool, England - July 16, 2012 - In my lack of progress in revising my first script for The Keystroke Killer, I have taken to haunting the Facebook Page, commenting on actors auditions, joining in the wit and banter, which includes the M-theory debate, science and philosophy behind the Fourth Dimension, or just plain silliness, like playing with Jack Curenton’s Clonegun.

A Clonegun isn’t some replacement for a Lightsaber, which’ll never happen anyway, but a clever and witty Advert that Jack made.

As I have been working through various projects, including the usual shenanigans off Mr. Tiglet, I have been watching online auditions (but not stalking, that’s Tim Wyant’s area of expertise!)) Some of which have been quite gripping, making me think that it is about time I got back into acting/Extra work, although acting is what I need to get an IMDB credit or two. Some of the auditions have been quite quirky/different, a stand-out (or maybe sit-out!) example would be Graham Clarke’s CNC News Anchor, who sat at his desk reading the news, a straight, no-nonsense intense delivery which ends with the unexpected line of “I may or may not be wearing pants”! Delivered with such a straight face and sincerity that is one of the funniest things you’ve ever heard. Hilarious!

I also got a chill off Challa Sabree’s scary Judas/Keystroke Killer tape, complete with lighting and sounds effects, creepy, as was Tim Wyant’s chilling Milo audition, such a contrast to the fun-loving chappy goofing around on the site.

They are just a few, very few auditions that make the site a fun place to hangout. It makes you wish that there were two versions, maybe one for radio/audio, a great medium for many voices, Jack, Challa and Helene Cordona especially. I don’t envy Dr. Melissa Caudle and the Casting Director’s in whittling down the callback list to the final few candidates, glad it is something I won’t be involved with. Maybe I should just get Jack’s Clonegun and copy everyone, to make an Alternate KK in the 13th Dimension or something? Hold on, there’s another idea to scribble down. Now that Higgs Boson is popping up after playing metaphysical hide and seek, such an instrument may be possible. I’ll have to put it on my to-invent list, along with Anti-Gravity, Matter Transmission and Super-Wormholes to distant galaxies!!

The Keystroke Killer Party last Friday night was another interesting experience, though my cold didn’t help, I did manage to Skype in for a while, though at 3AM GMT, it was early for the rest in New Orleans and Los Angeles!! Still, the pictures and videos from the event showed what a roaring success it was. It is amazing how a show still in development about a Serial Killer has such a diverse range of people with a collective sense of fun and humour. I still hope that I’ll have a few characters of my own to add. Maybe even a guest role for Mr. Tiglet, who knows, with The Keystroke Killer Project, anything is possible!!

Author Note:  Ian Mercer, lives in Liverpool, England and answered a call for a collaboration on KSK pilot episodes.  Ian also maintains his own blog for writers with an interesting take on the writing process for articles, novels, and screenplays. He also has created a whimsical character for his stories in Mr. Tiglet.  Follow Ian's blog at Iancaimercer's Blog.


Cathy Blady, Dr. Mel, Johnny Rock and Orlette 
Cathy Blady and Rockin Dopsie
Timothy Wyant and Nick Blady

Tony Pallo, Cathy Blady, and Johnny Rock
Beginning of KSK party in Los Angeles
James Karnes and Stephen Beal with Trace Shroeder in the background.

DH Lewis and Bonnie Levinson
Bonnie Levinson
DH Lewis
Bonnie Levinson and Carl Griffin
Summer Sinclair
There were people there that had to travel for a couple of hours to get there and home. It was impressive to see the turn out and very good atmosphere all positive people. The event was fulfilling in to many ways to describe, but let me say this, to be near so many creative and positive people, including the New Orleans people, created an atmosphere of renewal. I hadn’t slept since 4:30 AM as there were things that I needed to get taken care of well as another actor who was going to compete the next day and still showed up. One person who couldn’t make it Skyped in, all in all I would say that it is an experience I will not forget and carry with me throughout my career. That was my experience to say thank you Melissa seems a little lacking.

There are no words to truly describe it but, thank you Melissa.


By Dr. Mel Caudle

One character in The Keystroke Killer that has the producers, casting director, and creator/producer/screenwriter Dr. Mel Caudle battling is the private investigator Jones.  Why?  We can't figure out if this character is going to be a male or a female.  One would think we would already know this, but in all honesty we don't.

I originally created the Jones character as a man.  I didn't envision a specific race as Matthew is Caucasian, Petterson is African American male, and both Snead and Hammer are Caucasian men. At first, I did see Jones as a man. That all changed throughout the audition process.  I couldn't help but hear my own words to producer/director/screenwriter David C. Kirtland of Dark Blue.  I told him, "Agent Doner has to be a woman, not a man." My reason for stating this to Kirtland and to our lead actor Tracy Miller was I felt that we had too much "testonterone going on in the film."  I was right about that for Dark Blue. Now, I found myself questioning the same for the Jones' role in KSK.  Now what?  What would I do?

Dr. Mel Caudle, David C. Kirtland and Chris Lyons watch dailies from the film Dark Blue.
On the screen is actor Tracy Miller, who plays Detective Callaghan

My only solution was to open up the online audition process to both men and women and see what the talent pool brings to the table.  And, bringing it, is exactly what they did. In the running for this role are many powerful actors, both male and female.  I'll never forget watching the very first female audition that came in that I would even consider casting a female in the role.  The actress that delivered this audition was Scarlette Martin.  If you would like to watch that audition, click here.

Please don't misunderstand me, this doesn't mean Scarlette has the role.  She has plenty of competition from both male and female actors.  I can't forget the other auditions which includes "You nailed it," performances by Nancy DeBoe, Adam Parker, Bobbie Lee, Raven Lexy (although she auditioned for Janice Thompson), Joseph McRae (although he auditioned for Matthew), Isaac Depeyer (although he auditioned for Matthew), David Castro, Will Rian (although he auditioned for Milo Evans), Karen Weza (although she auditioned for Dr. Wright), Silvia Moore, Shanna Forestall, Veronica Simpleton, Jasmine Forest, Virginia Elmwood, Lauren Michales, Shandra Baptist, Kelly Filmont, Meagan Fletcher, and Maria Estrova.  Each of these actors brings something unique to this role.  So, who is Jones and why is this character important?

Jones is very important to the entire plot and plot twists for KSK.  First, Jones is a supporter of Matthew.  They had to come a long way together even to like each other, but one night something happens that changes everything the way Jones feels and looks at Matthew. Of course, I can't reveal that to everyone, but it is an unexpected twist of fate. From that point on, a different type of relationship develops. It is more than a partner scenario where they have each other's backs. In fact, they develop a type of "Mental Telepathy" that can't be explained and they both deny.  But, the key to understanding Jones, rests in Matthew's "Mind."  Okay, if you are confused, sorry, but it is a twisted understanding.  There will be lots of questions for the audience to debate and get their own thoughts wrapped around Jones' character.  

During call backs, we will be looking for "Uniqueness" from the actor and the ability to make a connection with us with their eyes.  We want to be able to "Hear" your thoughts in our "Mind's Eye."  That's a tall task to fill, but one of the above actors will be able to make that connection with us and we'll know it.  Good luck to all of the Jones' and we look forward to seeing what you bring to the table.


Gina Lee 
I am having lots of casting directors contact me who heard of me through the KSK site... I have referred lots of people I know in the biz to audition tapes of others... and a little bird told me big names in the business cruise in and take a look all the time... so perhaps that is what is happening... I know for sure a regular on this site contacted me to audition for a role in his short film, the Bud Light commercial and now The Producers casting people found me here... I may NEVER leave this site! loL

This post is give thanks for the food we had last night....Johnny, Tim and others! In New Orleans, I saw red beans/rice, jambalaya, cheese/ham/crackers, meat balls in sauce, some wonderful pralines.....

I JUST WANT TO SAY- I KNOW THAT SOME FELLOW SAID WE SHOULD NOT HAVE A PARTY UNTIL THE MOVIE IS OVER BUT-I TOO WOULD HAVE A MOVIE BEFORE. It was so important to make connections, network and to know the people that you may or may work with on KSK and or may work with on other projects in the future. It was such a pleasure meeting everyone and connecting with each and every one of you. I thank Dr. Mand Robby for putting the party together in Louisiana and for all the LA people coordinating with Louisiana so we could have so much fun SKYPING. Once again, thank you for putting this together everyone and coming. I wish you all the BEST OF LUCK AND ALWAYS LIVE YOUR DREAMS AND NEVER GIVE UP. Remember-"WHAT THE MIND CAN SEE AND BELIEVE IT CAN ACHIEVE" So plant the seeds, cultivate your thoughts, dreams and concepts and watch the grow-SUCCESS IS IN EVERY ONE OF YOU. xxxoooBonnie

One of my favorite photos from the party. Rockin' Dopsie! I was totally stoked!
Rockin Dopsie and Sabrita Gordon
"You go girl!"
Before you continue reading the comments made by KSK members, take a look at Rockin Dopsie getting down out our French Quarter Festival with The Tambourine Lady.  You got to love it.

Hey, hey, was any of our skype time captured on video last night? If so, that'd be great because there was some super high hilarity and good times that would be great to post up for continued gaffawing!

(On a side note: How funny that a show about psycho killing and mystery is full of such fun, lively, lighthearted folks who have such fun together and had a party that was as if it had been for a comedy! Now that's what I call theatre for real! Awwwww, yeah! ;)
Is everyone hung over this morning FROM LAST NIGHT'S KSK PARTIES? Awfully quiet on here. LOL

We had a great time tonight at the KSK party in La. It was great meeting some peeps from the fan site and hanging out....awesome!!!!!! Great pic with Dr. Mel and my wife.

Welcome, David Schulman!

Ryan De Sade Way and I want to thank everyone last night for making us feel so welcome~ it was great playing for you all, and everyone just so sweet! Angela and Natalie, gorgeous voices! We hada truly lovely time! It aw just difficult for us to socializ much with all the equipment there, I didn't wan anyone to trip. Funny thing is, I ended up being the one to trip on a cord. Lol. Thanks everyone! I could do the typed out name list, but it would truly take forever!! LOVE!!!!!!!!!

Vanessa Ross, prior blonde hair but now, natural brown hair! Ecstatic to still be "you nailed it" contender for Blaze!

Tonight's KSK Skype Party was really FUN! It was great to meet so many KSK 'friends' in person. I look forward to seeing all the pics and videos tomorrow :-)

It was a real pleasure meeting everyone at the LA Party and getting the brief chance to see Mel. A good time was had by all i think :)

Thanks to everyone that showed up for the NOLA KSK Fan Site Social...what a blast!!!

Ashley Ann Alvarado 
Ah man, me too :( I worked till 10:30 but sure it went beyond then... Guess that means, another party soon!!! Hope to meet you soon! :)

Sweating my ass of in Hollywood waiting to get called in for my audition and I'm wearin a frickin suit and tie lol

So nice meeting everyone last night!

Gypsy Elise live! Also Rockin Doopsie is in the house!!!!!!


After Trace Schroeder and I "STALKED" the 94th Aero Squadron and Gina Lee and DH Lewis draced their booties off....the walls blew out of the place from the LACA KSK Party...(bet CBevers is still in tact)


The plastic cup to prove you were at C Beevers 
Who are YOU???
Gypsy Elise and Dr. Mel
Bonnie Levinson and Carl Griffin
Gypsy Elise
DH Lewis
Jack Curenton and Gina Lee
Gina Lee

KSK Crowd Shot in New Orleans
Natalie Sharp in foreground
Tina Rubin, Tymothy Wyant, and Hannah Bickham
Tina Rubin and Johnny Rock
Natalie Sharp and Elvis Presley

Tina Rubin gives Dr. Mel a plaque from KSK Family
Johnny Rock, Tina Rubin, Dr. Mel, and Jerry Lopez
Johnny Rock, Tina Rubin, Dr. Mel, and Jerry Lopez
Dr. Mel thanks Tina Rubin
"You shouldn't have done this.  I'm speechless."
Tina Rubin explains plaque to Dr. Mel after presentation at KSK New Orleans party.

Jack Curenton
Alix Maria, Bonnie Levinson, and DH Lewis
Crowd Shot in Los Angeles
Diane Skyping to Los Angeles
Da Boyz - Jerry Lopez, Tymothy Wyant, and Challa Sabree
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McRae

DH LEWIS - KSK'S Marilyn Monroe

Tymothy Wyant and Rockin Dopsie
Carl Griffin
Gypsy Elise, Challa Sabree and Tina Rubin

De'Chase Leveau, Johnny Rock, and Natalie Sharp

Challa Sabree and De'Chase Levoue

Johnny Rock 

Jack Curenton and Gina Lee

DH Lewis, Gina Lee, and Jack Curenton



Everyone, please remember these are some of Dr. Mel’s top picks and not all It is a growing list.  It also isn’t a callback list either.  YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED OFFICIALLY THROUGH AN E-MAIL.  LASTLY, WE ARE GETTING VERY CLOSE TO FINALIZING THE ENTIRE CALL BACK LIST.

Due to scheduling conflicts and the other shows I am currently producing, call backs have been set for August in both Los Angeles and New Orleans.  Dates for Los Angeles will be between August 9 -14.  Of course, not everyday, but that is the time I've set aside for Los Angeles.

Upon my return, we will begin the audition process for New Orleans and any actor on the call back list that can't come to the face to face auditions will have the opportunity to audition on Skype or Face Time.  We want to be able to see what you bring to the table.  And, please don't worry about an audition held on Skype as I do most of my production business on Skype. In fact, I work with screenwriters on the KSK pilot film that I have never met face to face; yet, I feel as if I know them very well.

So, without further delay, here is the updated "You Nailed It Auditions."  Several new names have been added in multiple roles.  Congratulations to everyone on this list.  You are to be commended.


Matthew: Russell Klein, Ross Kelly, Will Kliptine, Greg DePetro, Kevin Snustead, Chad Ford, Dean Ghaffari, Steve Carl Griffin, Eric Flenner, Joe Wagner, Geryh Curtis, Evan Boymel, Ace Marrero (although he submitted for Alex), Stephen Martin, Jason Burghorn, Nathan Lucas, Jason Tobias, Jamal Kazak, Trace Schroeder (although he auditioned for Milo), Chris Waters, David Adolpho Gizzarelli,), Carl Schreiber, Mark Slater, Dedan Donavan, Gary Kauffman,  Jack Fry, Brandt Binkley (although he auditioned for Dr. Frank Franklin), Kenneth Sears, Mike Hennessey, Mrogan Jaye Williams, Dean Gaffari, Erik Nielsen, Eric Sharp, Robert Richardson, David Charles, Christopher Lewis, Edward Jones, Anthony Pierce, Kevin Riley, Matthew Donald Jones, Kevin Lewis, Peter Haroldson, Douglas Rogers, Justin Samuels, Gerald Smith, Victor Maze, Benjamin Todd, Lawrence Jones, Willis Martin, Eugene O’Neil, Billy Lancaster, Steve Ernst, Phillip Liles, Carlos Ruiz, Leonard Russel, Stanley Curtis, Dale Brankston, Theordore Clifford, Tom Oscar, Ronnie Maples, Bill Lyons, Wesley Hines, Zachary Mitchell, Corey Robertson, Brad Steigal, Ron Franklin, Jo Straus, Ben Ryan Metzger, Zach Zale,

BLAZE – Michelle Parent, Jennifer Gates, Codie Rimmer, Gwonwyn De Beer, Tera Garnett, Vanessa Ross, Katelyn Causey, Diane Lombardi, , Jamie Alyson, Bethany Regan, Lila Evans, Ashley Ann Alvarado, Annelise King, Chantelle Albers, Kaite Rotolo,

Dr. Garrick Angela:  Robert Fleet, Rob Steinberg (although he audtioned for Alex, I moved him over), Stuart McClay Smith, Julian Grant, John Henry Richardson, Ellery Truesdell, Doc Divecchio, Max Thayer (although he auditioned for Congressman Thompson), Jack E. Curenton, Joseph Steven (although he auditioned for Robby Z), Gariel Matthews, Ruben Stein, Brent Lester, Hector Mileford, Vernon Peterson, Rick Samuals,

Judas:  Challa Sabre, Jack E Curenton, Chip Carriere, Trace Schroeder, Craig Jeffcoat, John Percy Antonio Chavez, Rob Patterson, Don Rob, Stewart Strauss,

Milo Evans:  Will Rian, Rhoads Osbourne, Chris Swirles, Trace Schroeder, Challa Sabree, Timothy Wyant, John Wesley Cooley (listed under Leah Monnette), Casey Groves, Allen Merritt, Jeff Grey

Landlord:  DH Lewis, Jill Lachman, Billy Mayo, James Eakle, Marlynne Frierson- Cooley, Alice Finchum Bowden, Casey Garrett, Clifton Stokes, Willard Jones, Morris Jones, Ian Matthews, Hugh Maxim, Guy Fredrick, Sabrita Gordan, Stacy Miller, Travis Gerard, Lois Ferrington,

Professor Faust -  Kristin Samuelson, Buddy Daniels Friedman, Kristen Stewart, Erich Klain, Ron Elliot, Everett Booth, Merry Jo Cortada Pitasi, Bill Srkisian (although he auditioned for Dr. Garrick Angela), Julian Michaels, Byron Isaac Morris, Robert Fleetwood, Allan Stanford, Lance Prevost, Darren Smith, Lonnie Nelson, Pierce Stanley Smith,

Fortune Teller – Gypsy Elise

Ima Starr:  Ava St. Claire, Gino Galento, Aaron Groben, Kenneth Sears, James Turndale, Derrick Berry, Sam Evans, Jeffery Robinson,  

Congressman Thompson:  Max Thayer, Ronnie Powell, Kelly Whitehurst, Justin Little (although he auditioned for Matthew), Vic Harris, Rich Rubin (although he auditions for Snead), Douglas Olsen, James McCoy, Mike Tuttle @ culinarycasanove, , Johnnie White, Sidney Clove, Kelly Ostrichnique, Ken Sanders, Darren Ingles,

Janice Thompson Bennette: Bettina Devin, Ann Hagemann, Cedrick Cooks, Heether De Sisto, Kristina Hagan, Kisa Steele, Deborah Adair, Summer E. Sinclair, M. Daniela Torchia, Christopher Callen, Jennifer Rosario, Katie O’Hagan, Jacqueline Murphy, Gina Lee Gallareto, Mary Laina, Toni Youngblood (although she auditioned for CNC News Anchor), Robyn Hyden, Marcia French (although she auditioned for Robby Zieagar), Veera Mahajan,  T.J. Meyers, D.H. Lewis,

Peterson:  Sid Burston, Cris Cole, Escalante Lundy, Darius Green, Jesus Ruiz, Phillip M Polite, Bryan Theodore, Carlton Enoch, Alphonse Philippe Mouzon, Aarron Spivey Sorrells, Verolga Leilani (although she auditioned for Dr. E. Wright), Jeffrey Grays (although he auditioned for Milo), Challa Sabre (although he auditioned for Judas), Alphonse Philippe Mouzon, David Kieth Anderson, Kris Gordon, Laz Alonso, Malcom McDaniels, Nathan Pierce, Kyle Mortaga, Henry Saouza, George Fleeting, Gary Cornwell, James Tyler, Dennis Martin, William Abblebee, Ryan Frost, Todd Nonnenberg, Jumard Clinton,

Jones: Cathy Dobyns, Nancy DeBoe, Adam Parker, Bobbie Lee, Raven Lexy (although she auditioned for Janice Thompson), Joseph McRae (although he auditioned for Matthew), Isaac Depeyer (although he auditioned for Matthew), David Castro, Scarlette Martin, Will Rian (although he auditioned for Milo Evans), Karen Weza (although she auditioned for Dr. Wright), Silvia Moore, Shanna Forestall, Veronica Simpleton, Jasmine Forest, Virginia Elmwood, Lauren Michales, Shandra Baptist, Kelly Filmont, Meagan Fletcher, Maria Estrova,

George Newland: Eric Flenner, Gage Maverik, Seth Oserin (although he auditioned for Dr. Garrick), Vito Viscuso, Patrick McHale, Julian Hernandez, 

Rebecca Morrison:  Rush Wright, Lauren Holiday, Shanna Forrestall, Amanda Chism, Karen Weza (although she auditioned for Dr. Wright), Lydia DeSouza de Medeiros (although she auditioned for Dr. Wright), Jana Bozeman (although she auditioned for Dr. Wright), Colleen Parker (although she auditioned for Dr. Wright), Jessica Galinas (although she auditioned for Dr. Wright), Desiree Burgess

Robert Mendoza – Lance Trezona, Jose A Solorio, Rudy Garza, Luis Antonio, Jesus Ruiz,

Kelly Stratford: Katelyn Brooke, Alexa James, Kerry McCormick, Janab Davis, Breeze Marie, Marcia Anderson, Francis Thibodeaux, Mary Fitzgerald, LaShawn Garth,

Meagan Montgomery:  Nathalie Tedrick, Ilana Kitover, Meagan Pallares, Jennifer Peyton McDavitt, Hannah Bickham (although she auditioned for Blaze), Julie Wions, Glenn Ellen Anderson, Desiree Burgess, Kincaid Walker, Patty Miller, Melanie Hitchman,

Mag: Tera Garrett, Emily Wilson, Savannah Morgan, Heather Harvey, Savannah Schoenecker (although she auditioned for Meagan M.), Jennifer peyton McDavitt (although she auditioned for Meagan M.), Christian Drerup, Veronica Kelly, Caley Hayes, Brooke Coleman, Morgan Dickerson, Patty Miller, Marie Rousso, Abigal M. Ramirez, Jessica Seghers, Sarah Zurell, *Will Ritchie, Kincaid Walker,

Gunman 1: Pakelika,  William Moore, Aldo Juliano, Bobbie Lee, Mark Naji, Nico Falls, Steven Carl Griffin, Jeff Grays, Armando DuBon Jr., Jason L. Davis, 

Gunman 2:  Cali Muscle (although he auditioned for Milo), Jason Davis, Paul Vinson (although he auditioned for Milo),

Robby Ziegar: D Lawson, John Macey, Scott R. Wright, Robert Leh, Shobhit Agarwal, Steve Bartlett, Ron Elliot, Kenan Heppe,  Richard McKenzie Alistair, Anthony Castillo, Raquel Elizabeth Ames, Nancy DeBoe, Don Ronaldo, John Robert Macey III (although he auditioned for Faust), Joseph Steven, Brittany Samson, Blanca Avalos, Kidrowski Koppe, M Daniel Torchia, Sean Mount, Catherine Kirkland Burkeens, Bonnie Jane Levinson, Tierra Peters, Veronique Ledoux, Lisa Martel, Stephanie V. Williams, Stephanie Skinner (posted by Sher Myers), Leonard Kelly Young, Liam Stone, Annelise King, Jeffrey Jordon.

Jenni - Shannon Freyer, Aisha Alese, Sage Kairi, Cristy Joy, Judy Vasquez, Arona Spader (although she auditioned for Robby Z.), Rachel Amanda Bryant, Danielle Cohen (although she auditioned for Blaze), Alix Maria, Katy Dolle (although she auditioned for Meagan M.), Raychelle McDonald (although she submitted for three other roles), Natalie Sharp, Adelaide Lawren,Rimarria Appling, Iierra Peters, Ashliegh Frazier, Ashley Ann Alvarado, Connie Jo Segress, Kim Burns, Jenni Jones, Brooke Coleman,

Marge Greenberg: Ava D. Eadie, Linda Johnson, Carol Ann Scruggs, DH Lewis, Stevie Lorentzen (although she auditioned for the astrologer), Lilyn Anna (although she auditioned for Flores and Stephanie), Alice Finchum Bowden (although she audtioned for the Landlord), Lora Severn (although she auditioned for the astrologer), Phebe Bohart (although she auditioned for the astrologer), Helen Ray, Stephanie Mortaga, Alicia French, Rosemary Hill, Flora McIntyre, and Vanessa Strous. 

Kyle Flores - Bonnie Jane Levinson, Unique Moneek, Amanda Reed, Katelyn Gault,

Alex: Rocco Di Nobile, Morris Morgentaler, Paul Vinson, Robert DiTillio,  Dwight D. Coleman, Andrew Garrettson, Greg Gomes,Tim Oman (posted by TJ MYERS), Michael Villar, Prince Moore, Johnny Rock, Carl Schwaber (although he auditioned for Flores and Milo), Estaire Godinez,  Rhoads Osbourne (although he auditioned for Milo), Kent Gallegos,  

Dr. Elizabeth Wright: Adelicia Morris, Zoey Dean , Zoi Kottas, Marcia French, Katie O'Hagan, Tina D. Rubin, Kelly Lynn,Jennifer Rosario, Jacqueline Murphy, Hutchi Hancock, Julia Lynn Tockar (posted by Jesus Ruiz),Mary Laina, Rachel Whitman Groves, Nancy Beverly, Robin Lynn Rodney, Maura Lanahan, Jana Bozeman, Kelly Lynn Gitter, Leann Van Mol-Swisher,

Snead:  Mark Hoyle, William T Ensley, Victor DeLucie, Stephen Beal, Billy Mayo (although he audtioned for Landlord), Robert Leh, Tim Bob ThuderHorse Halpin (although he auditioned for Matthew), Steve Bartlett, Dane Haines, 

Hammer:  M Gerard Pavuk, Gary Kauffman (listed under Carlton Enoch who filmed it), William Lashbrook,

Lorenzo - John Caraccioli, Kennedy Moronta, Jash Salazar, Jamal Kazak (although he auditioned for Matthew), Ganno Nickell, Haunnard Uribe, Julio Mendez, Juan Carlos, Jorge Garcia, Laz T-Man Garcia, Alberto Mendoza, Harely Sosa, YTbooger973,

CNC Anchor:  Amy McGarry, Jessica Richmond, Ellery Truesdell, Graham Clarke, Clmesha McDaniel, Bill Pryor, Climesha McDaniel, Seth Oserin (although he auditioned for Dr. Garrick Angela), Toni Youngblood, Vito Viscuso, Kelly Lynn Gitter, Tanya Anticevic, Patricia Nangkal,

911 Operator Clarissa Guerro,

Malcom: Timothy Starks, Lance Trezona, D. McLeod, Giovanni Suriano, Nirav Bhakta (although his audition was for Robby Ziegar), Joel Cole, David Dickerson (although he auditioned for Robby Ziegar), Puneet Prasad, Sully Chaudhry (although he auditioned for Gunman), Seth Wade, Virgil Perry, Isaac Hayden, Jaime Falcon, Matthew Freedonholt,

News Director:  Stephanie Skinner (posted by Sher Myers (CNC), Ellery Truesdell, Rimarria Appling (although she auditioned for Dr. Wright), James McCoy, Jose Solorio,

Astrologer: Melinda Lee, Marlenne Sosebee, Raven Lexy, Veera Majakam. Analiese Anderson, Marcy Toschi, Jennie Floyd, Suzanne Stephens Breitenbach, Ava St. Claire, Katy Wolfe, Sandey Lock, Barabara Goodson (although she auditioned for landlord), Phyllis Chafe Comoletti, Nakja Hoyer-Booth, Bernadette Bonfiglio, Katarina Rose Fabic, Leann Van Mol, Vera Petrychenka, Susan Nash,

Dr. Frank Franklin:  Jason Flowers (audition is for Milo), Shobhit Agarwal (although he auditioned for George Newland), Claudine Claudio (female Dr. Franklin consider although she auditioned for Dr. Elizabeth Wright), Gage Maverick, Erick Klain (although he auditioned for Professor Faust), Diana Marzigliano (although she submitted for Janice T.), J. Patrick Wise (although he auditioned for Robby Ziegar), Michael Briggs, Anthony Castillo, Vicki Jo Costanzo, Christoph Dostal, Wanda Leigh,

Stephanie Winfield:  Madeline DeCourcey, Wanda Leigh, Leslie Gangl Howe, Diana Marzigliano, 

Cameraman -  Aaron Gorben,

Waitress - Susie Labry, Elizabeth Carder, Jen Starr, Margaret Gholston, Eugenia Care,

BODY GUARD - Prince Moore, James Eakle (although he auditioned for the Landlord) 

Mrs. Garrick Angela - Katt Shea (although she auditioned for the Landlord), Claire Ward Murphy (although she auditioned for the astrologer), Merry Jo Cortada Pitasi (although she auditioned for astrologer), Melinda Lee,

Tracy – Noreen Theriot,

*Foreign Correspondant – Verologa Leilani, Helene Cardona (will have to open this role up in the second round), Milena Gardasevic (although she auditioned for Jenni.)

Be sure to check out the new articles on the pages of The Actor's Slate, The Back Lot, and The Script Scene.