Sunday, June 30, 2024

Gideon: The Sound And The Glory (The Empire of Israel Book 1) by Joseph Ganci



Gideon: The Sound And The Glory (The Empire of Israel Book 1) Kindle Edition

4.2 on Goodreads
88 ratings

Why has the true story of Gideon been hidden for three millennia? How does Gideon connect with Jacob wrestling an angel? How did a blood feud between Gideon and the Midianite kings evolve? How does the prophetess Debra establish the tradition of lighting two Shabbat candles? How does Gideon’s three hundred represent the Trinity? Why was Gideon not at the major Midianite battle? How did three hundred starving men conquer fifteen thousand in a night battle on foreign soil? Why is Gideon a similitude of the coming of Jesus Christ as a spiritual warrior? Why were there mice in the Philistine cart that transported the Ark of the Covenant back to Israel? What was young David even present at the battle with Goliath? Why did David have five stones in his script? -- And much, much more!
Besides being informative and entertaining, the biblical novel is a spiritual delight to the pilgrim searching for the mind of God.


Unsung biblical heroes and murderous villains leap to life, blazing onto the pages of revelation. Gideon, a lowly woodcutter, is blessed by an angel to be the savior of all Israel. He does not know why or how and shrinks from this dangerous mission. The commandment to conquer the Midian Empire as one man seems all but impossible. But Gideon’s confidence grows as God guides his every step until he stands fearless, dauntlessly fulfilling his destiny as “a mighty man of valor.” The fierce warriors, burning towers, and devastated cities contained in Gideon’s Journey are but silver threads that weave into a sweeping tapestry that fills ten generations that follow with intrigue. Running through and stitching together the entire saga is the Ark of the Covenant and the Baal-Berith, also known as Gideon’s mysterious Ephod of Gold (shown on the back cover).

Read this book, and unearth hidden treasures of the peoples, places, and artifacts while resurrecting the stuff of legends that have slept for 3000 years.


About the Author

Joseph made his arrival at Beth-El Hospital, or ‘The House of God’ found in Brooklyn. Joseph is a firstborn, and so, is dedicated to God by the laws of Israel. He is the son of a Joseph and a loving mother named Rosemary. He is a Levite and a high priest and remains a passionate Italian.

He came to age, racing across the Robert Moses Causeway to the outer banks of Fire Island. Joseph was most at home in the frigid chill of the wild North Atlantic.

Joseph accepted the call from Lyndon B. Johnson and was ordered to report for combat in the Vietnam conflict. Man-to-man combat is where he had experienced a baptism by fire and had been chastened by the struggle.

The G.I. Bill provided him with a seat at the coveted Honor Society’s banquet table of higher education.

Joseph lives alone in the Lone Star state. Joseph fathered five daughters, three of whom are still alive. He has five grandchildren that are the gems found in an old man's crown.

The Bible to him is like reading the Daily News as it is vivid and alive and provides deep wells of knowledge and practical applications of simple understandings.

Moreover, this is where the grist from this novel finds common ground through his endless rounds of scripture study. The laborer is worthy of his hire, and a loving God opened the eyes of his understanding.

Lest we forget, a thousand years hence - the anthropologists will conclude that our society communed with an all-knowing oracle named Google.


Radiant Charm: The Ultimate Guide to Being a Desirable Woman by Stephanie K. L. Lam



Radiant Charm: The Ultimate Guide to Being a Desirable Woman Kindle Edition

Rhythms of Awareness: Music as a Path to Mindfulness by Mariposa La Magnifica



Dear Readers:

Discover the Symphony of Mindfulness with "Rhythms of Awareness"

If you've ever sought a harmonious blend of tranquility and focus, look no further than "Rhythms of Awareness: Music as a Path to Mindfulness" by Mariposa La Magnifica. This exquisite book, released on May 15, 2024, is more than just a read—it's an experience, offering a five-star journey through the enriching world of music and mindfulness.

In "Rhythms of Awareness," Mariposa La Magnifica artfully explores how integrating music into our daily lives can profoundly enhance emotional well-being, focus, and tranquility. This book is not only a practical guide but also a stunning coffee table addition, adorned with beautiful illustrations that captivate and inspire.

Each chapter delves into the powerful influence of music on our routines. From invigorating your mornings to soothing your evenings, this book demonstrates how melodies can set the tone for a mindful and balanced day. It covers the historical and neuroscientific impacts of music, providing a rich understanding of its effects on the human mind and emotions.

"Rhythms of Awareness" is perfect for music lovers and those aspiring to embrace mindfulness. It's an ideal gift for special occasions—Mother’s Day, Christmas, birthdays—or anytime you wish to offer a token of relaxation and self-care. Its soothing narrative and aesthetic appeal make it a thoughtful thank-you gift, or a perfect present for anyone who appreciates a calming spa-like atmosphere.

Whether you're seeking to enrich your own mindfulness practice or looking for a meaningful gift, "Rhythms of Awareness" offers lasting value, turning everyday moments into sanctuaries of peace and focus. Mariposa La Magnifica has crafted a book that resonates long after the last page is turned, guiding you through a melodious journey of mindfulness.

Enhance Your Mindfulness Journey Today!!!

Don't miss the chance to transform your daily rhythms into a symphony of peace and mindfulness. Order your copy of "Rhythms of Awareness: Music as a Path to Mindfulness" and experience the therapeutic power of music in your life. Treat yourself, a friend, or a loved one to this beautiful guide and discover the melodies that enhance your capacity for mindfulness.

Order Now and Embark on a Journey of Musical Mindfulness!

Happy reading,

Dr. Mel

Rhythms of Awareness: Music as a Path to Mindfulness Hardcover – Large Print, May 15, 2024

Each chapter offers detailed insights into how music can positively influence daily routines—from energizing mornings to reflective evenings—and demonstrates how it fosters deeper, more mindful living. Discover how melodies can set the tone for your day, aid concentration during work, and facilitate relaxation at night. Additionally, the book explores the historical and neuroscientific impacts of music, providing readers with a deeper understanding of its potent effects on the human mind and emotions.

Ideal for music lovers and those aspiring to incorporate mindfulness into their lifestyle, "Rhythms of Awareness" is a thoughtful gift for anyone looking to enrich their daily experiences. It's especially perfect for special occasions such as Mother's Day, Christmas, birthdays, or as a meaningful present anytime you want to offer a token of relaxation and self-care.

"Rhythms of Awareness" is also an excellent choice for a thoughtful thank you gift or for anyone who relishes the calming atmosphere of a spa. Its soothing narrative and aesthetically pleasing layout make it an ideal companion for those seeking moments of peace and introspection. Perfectly aligning with interests in Self-Help, Music Therapy, and Mindfulness, this book serves as a gentle reminder of the therapeutic powers of music and mindful living. Whether as a gesture of appreciation or a gift to enhance someone’s relaxation routine, it offers lasting value, turning everyday environments into sanctuaries of calm and focus. Treat a friend, a loved one, or even yourself to this beautiful guide, and enhance your capacity for mindfulness in the most melodious way.

Transform your daily rhythms into a symphony of peace and mindfulness with "Rhythms of Awareness." This book is not just a read; it's an experience that promises to guide you through a journey of musical mindfulness that resonates long after the last page is turned.



Mariposa La Magnifica is a talented author and digital artist who has dedicated her life to creating beautiful, meaningful works. Turning 50 this year, she has been passionate about graphic design since the early days of computer graphics. Her love for design led her to create two coloring books, and she has since transitioned to writing enchanting books that share messages of love and mindfulness.

Growing up in foster care and becoming a single mother at 17, Mariposa worked tirelessly as a waitress and in various other jobs to provide for her son. About 15 years ago, she entered the medical transportation industry and nine years ago co-founded Chain of Love Transport with her business partner. Their company has helped thousands of people get to their necessary medical appointments, and her success has allowed her more time to focus on her art and writing.

Mariposa has published five beautifully illustrated books, each crafted to help readers of all ages become more mindful and less stressed. Her heartfelt stories, filled with captivating characters and enchanting narratives, offer gentle guidance on dealing with tough situations and fostering self-love. Each of her books features a unique song and accompanying music video to enhance the reader’s experience.

When not writing or designing, Mariposa enjoys boating on her old pontoon, enjoying nature and helping to clean up the rivers and lakes in her home state of Michigan.


Grappling with Love by Kevin Fildes



Saturday, June 29, 2024



Andrew David Doyle


The Magdalene Complex: Revelation from The Silent Apostle Series

Tell your readers a little about yourself, where you grew up, where you live now, where you went to school etc. Let them get to know the personal you.

Andrew David Doyle was born in Dundee, Scotland, in 1962 and is one of those unique authors we all wish we had accompanied during his many global travels. Andrew holds a business degree, a bachelor’s degree in marine certification, and several diplomas, including philosophy and Egyptology. Having grown up in the 60s, Andrew branched out from the shipbuilding industry to the military and served 15 years, from being a boy soldier to a man. As an avid writer, Andrew has penned many novels with more manuscripts on his busy desktop, where we may find that each ‘adventure’ simply screams out for publication.

The genre of heraldry, religion, and the obscure world of the Knights Templar, including the Anunnaki, is what I deem as my hidden knowledge base and foundation stone that I carve out and place into my life’s journey.

As an author, I draw on many aspects of history, and the threads of simple life are recorded in the rich storytelling tapestry of this adventurer.


What inspired you to author this book?

Not understanding religion or history triggered my interest in this work, and luckily, I have ventured into Egypt and other countries many times in pursuit of good snip bits of information and to visit the actual places where I write about. I wanted to create a biblical icon or event that NO ONE will have ever heard about…and here it is, tucked between the pages of the Silent Apostle and The Magdalene Complex.

The Silent Apostle - Doctor Darlene Gammy contacts the ancient lost gospel of Mary and suffers from a unique tattoo spread across her back and shoulder as a result. She is hounded by a clutch of clerics from the Black Lodge of Cairo who pursue Darlene and Kemp Hastings to keep an ancient biblical secret Deemed by Prophecy from becoming public knowledge. The Silent Apostle II Assignation. This is the evolution story where Darlene Gammay is blessed with the hidden workings of the ancient Egyptians and the amazing plains and realms.

The Magdalene Complex (The Silent Apostle trilogy) is the full Silent Apostle story. There is also a video on YouTube with the same name that sits within several other book trailers created for my other novels.


Where did you get the inspiration for your book’s cover?

The book cover is as simple as it looks, basically the origin of mankind, supernatural events in the historical timeline, and, of course, grabbing the icons that anyone who views will automatically have a notion or idea triggered as to what these mean.

Who has been the most significant influence on you personally and as a writer?

Firstly, my English teacher whilst in secondary school, and after which the author Philip K Dick and his mindset inspired some of my novels.

 What were the struggles or obstacles you had to overcome to get this book written?

As with any project regarding religion or sciences, access to good information and then trawling through the clutter to understand what mostly should make sense, the art of writing is weaving the story together, and this is where the obstacles fall away like dominoes as each story unfolds.


Tell your readers about your book.

The Magdalene complex is where a female character is touched by religious and secret circles within our midst. Having handled an ancient document, the effects of history and myth clash, and a supernatural reaction occurs where Darlene is mysteriously endowed with a tattoo that depicts a period in Mary Magdalene’s life. Etched from a painting by Gabriel Dante Rossetti, Darlene, and Kemp Hastings face the world at large who are trying to remove any presence of the occult and or religion as it will upset the sensitive balance of a world most people either do not believe nor wish to know about due to fear.

Who is your target audience, and why?

The target audience is sci-fi buffs and people interested in ancient occult practices.

What do you consider your greatest success in life

My greatest success is - 15 novels in the mainstream - achieved PhD equivalent with 2 x degrees and 5 x diploma in philosophy. Egyptology, Business Law, Maritime Law, and more. Achieved military medals for 15 years of service with 3 medals in the British Army.

What one unique thing sets you apart from other writers in your genre?

My unique aspect is that I have lived and worked in many countries over 30 years and have absorbed the culture and the way of life, including religion, which brings a certain reality when you write subject matter that often does not align and can be supernatural. I lived and worked in Egypt for 2 years and I wrote this novel during the Arab Spring when I was more or less stuck in the Cairo museum most weekends.