Saturday, May 25, 2019

Little Lovely Things By Maureen Joyce Connolly

May 25, 2019

This weekend has been especially wonderful for me as I have enjoyed swimming with my grandchildren and getting the pool ready for Monday.  My husband is firing up the grill and my children and their children are coming over. If I'm lucky, my husband will take us out on the boat. I am wishing everyone a very save weekend wherever your journey takes you and your loved one. Be safe.

I have a special book and author that I want to introduce to my fan base. When I say it isn't reading, I mean that because of the topic - a child is abducted which hits close to home for me. However, I feel it is important to read these stories as they heighten the awareness that this tragedy happens. I hope you enjoy learning about Maureen Joyce Connolly and her Book Little Lovely Things.

Maureen Joyce Connolly

Little Lovely Things

Tell your readers a little about yourself, where you grew up, where you live now, where you went to school etc. Let them get to know the personal you.

I grew up in the Detroit area of Michigan and moved around quite a bit as an adult. I currently live outside Philadelphia in a remarkable area called Bucks County – very idyllic and lovely. I received my Bachelor’s degree in physiology from Michigan State University and my Master’s degree in Liberal Studies from Wesleyan University. My ‘duel citizenship’ in science and love of the natural world informs and inspires my writing.

What inspired you to author this book?

So many things! It was partly that my third child came much later than my first two and I was a bit hyper-senstivie to things like abductions, etc. that I encountered in the media. I began to try to imagine how people pulled the pieces of their lives together after such tragedy .

Where did you get the inspiration for your book’s cover?
That is an interesting story! My publisher, Sourcebooks, is responsible for the cover, which I love. Recently, I was contacted by the photographer who took the picture. That little girl is her daughter!

Who has been the biggest influence on you personally and as a writer?

This is really tough to lock down since there have been so many. I try to be open and be influenced as much as possible. Even reading the copy on a cereal box can inspire me! Creative people who live their lives with the courage to express themselves remain my influence.

What were your struggles or obstacles you had to overcome to get this book written?

Oh my! I owned a firm that helped specialty drug companies to develop medications for ultra-rare diseases. I raised three children with an age spread of thirteen years. I relocated our family home twice in the last decade…everything seemed an obstacle! And, yet, I’m here to tell you that when you want something badly, when it resonates within your truest heart – you will achieve.

Tell your readers about your book.

I’m gonna deep dive here and grab right from my website since I think the description there is lyrical and captivating…

LITTLE LOVELY THINGS is a haunting and prismatic exploration of how tragedy can transform lives. With lyrical prose and page-turning momentum, the story unfolds through the viewpoint of four characters: Claire, the devastated yet strong-willed mother; Moira, the transient who finds herself thrust into instant motherhood; soulful Jay, whose grisly discovery brings him to the center of the tragedy; and Andrea, the scrappy and wildly talented tomboy.

Traversing the landscape of loss, LITTLE LOVELY THINGS ties together the threads of lives shattered, hope lost, and—finally—joy restored.

Who is your target audience, and why?

You know, I really dislike the concept of target audience, and yet realize we live in the real world. Sigh. I like to think my target audience is readers, period. But, realistically, it is most likely women between the ages of twenty-one and sixty-eight. Also book clubs for sure since I think Little Lovely Things absolutely stimulates discussion.

Your book covers a mother’s worse nightmare. Did this come from a personal experience, from the news, or….?

As mentioned earlier not my personal experience but an overwhelming sense of empathy for those that experience tragedy at this level.

One of the endorsers to your book is  Jacquelyn Mitchard, bestselling author of The Deep End of the Ocean, how important has that been for you as an author? Why?

While my book is very different from Jacquelyn Mitchard’s, I feel a strong kinship with her and strongly believe it took courage for her to write The Deep End of the Ocean. Since reading it many years ago, I have maintained a place of respect for her and her writing and was thrilled that she agreed to endorse Little Lovely Things.

If you were going to give one reason for anyone looking at your book to read, why should they buy it?

Because it is a universal story of life, love, loss, and the connectedness of the human spirit. It is more of an experience than a simple reading and offers characters that remain companions long after the story is finished.

What do you consider your greatest success in life?

My children, my family life, my deep and abiding friendships, and my ability to spread joy where possible are what I consider my greatest success. These are things I value more than anything else.

What one unique thing sets you apart from other writers in your genre?

Two specific things in particular: the fact that I focus heavily on character development and theme rather than simply on plot,  and that the story structure is surprising, in that the key dramatic moment on which the novel pivots comes very early in the story. I am much more interested in ‘how’ characters handle a situation as opposed to the buildup to the situation.

How do you overcome writer’s block?

I don’t actually encounter writer’s block! My only issue is finding the time to let all the ideas in my head out!

What one piece of advice do you have for new authors.

Don’t as in do not, let people read your stuff too early!  It is a common mistake to share undeveloped work and then encounter reactions you may not be ready for. Nurture it, let it marinate, nurture it some more before exposing it!

Tell your readers anything else you want to share.

As a debut novelist, I love this new world I now live in! My favorite thing on the planet is to hear from readers so please let me know your thoughts through reviews, through comments on my website, or any other of the contacts I’ve listed!

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Follow and Contact Maureen Joyce Connolly

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Twitter:  @MConnollyAuthor


This is the exciting part, my new book A.D.A.M. launches next week and frankly, I am a nervous wreck. However, I am always a nervous wreck when I launch a book. A.D.AM. is a fantastic science fiction high-impact novel with a strong female lead.  Please show me some love and buy my book today.