Wednesday, November 24, 2021

The Chosen Family Series


Old Hippies Never Die: A Novel Paperback – January 5, 2020

The Chosen Family Series is about the people who love us and whom we love, that are not members of our birth family. These are the people that we have chosen to be a guiding force in our life. A group may include the people we learn to lean on, the ones we take comfort from and make our sisters, the people who believe in and support our dreams, as well as the younger people who take our aid and advice and return love.

The first two books in this series are available and are titled The Family Dinner and Old Hippies Never Die. The third book is underway. Here is the Amazon links to the author and these first two books:

Book One in her series is titled THE FAMILY DINNER.

In it you'll meet Betty, her husband Howard Sr. and their four grown children, Howard Jr., Ellen, Patrick and Janet and discover how they, their spouses and their children really affect their lives. You'll also learn the truth about dinner and find out about their struggles, activities, tragedies from the past and families.


Book Two in the series is titled OLD HIPPIES NEVER DIE.

A lot has happened since hippies disrupted the world in the late '60's with their peace-loving approach to life's problems. In this book you will learn how flower power, marches and rallies were interrupted by life and military massacres. Discover how marijuana, acid trips, the Vietnam War, marches, love-ins, unplanned pregnancies, time, life or death struggles and more, affected their lives.

There are quite a few future books in this series planned.

There is a Kindle special on Old Hippies Never Die, from November 26, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. thru November 30, 2021 at 11:00 p.m. when the $3.99 Kindle version will be sold for just $.99.