your readers a little about yourself, where you grew up, where you live now,
where you went to school etc. Let them get to know the personal you.
am normal guy no different than anyone else. I grew up in a small town in
Pineview Ga. in Wilcox County. I tried the college thing but that didn’t work
out so well, so l later joined the military. That was a great choice for me at
the time given I had no plans of what I wanted to be so that was a good move.
Army was my branch of choice. I really wanted to retire but that wasn’t in my
cards. But it was a great move. I currently live in Ga, but I am now making the
move to California since my book has been doing well on the charts I feel like
it will be a good move for me and my writing journey.
inspired you to author your book?
21yr old daughter. She is growing up into adulthood and I felt she need some
sort of a guide to carry with her, even though she was raised well peer
pressure is always around.
did you get the inspiration for your book’s cover?
you asked that question. I wanted to be able to speak to woman of all facets
with this book cover. Every word that is on the cover represent a woman and her
has been the most significant influence on you personally and as a writer?
My former co-work Dawn Gregory I would say has the most influence. She is a author 3 times over. She writes poems and just chatting with her gave me the most influence because she carries herself so well
were your struggles or obstacles you had to overcome to get this book written?
Well because we are raised or at least I was raised in an area where this is a man type of world you can imagine how hard it was to find out via the bible that we are created equal in Gods eyes. So it was tuff forcing myself to received what I was reading. But I was so glad that I received the truth.
your readers about your book.
My book is about empowering woman to understand who they are in Crist and and hopefully it will teach them who they are. You see women have to relearn the bad things they have learned in hopes of a new type of woman, a biblical woman, A woman they oozes with confidence. And to understand how much she is needed in this world.
is your target audience, and why?
target audience for teens and young adults. I believe that before they get out
in this world guidance is what they need hopefully they will receive it. Buts
not just for young adults, if your willing to have an open mind it can wonders
for the older adults as well
you were going to give one reason for anyone looking at your book to read, why
should they buy it?
all in the title. The title is you need to know about. I know you cant judge a
book by its cover but with this you definitely can.
do you consider your greatest success in life?
I believe my greatest success to date is not turning my back on God when times where tuff. He is my provider and all that I have is because of him
one unique thing sets you apart from other writers in your genre?
believe the things that set me apart from other writer is the fact that when it
comes to spirituality or Religion is that I am not closed minded like some. I
mean I believe what I believe in and if you don’t, I don’t judge you. I am sure
you have your reasons to why you believe what you believe and that’s it. I want
force my beliefs on you and please don’t force your unbelief on me
do you overcome writer’s block?
attempt to overcome writers block by putting the pen and paper down and move to
something else until my mind is free enough to write again. Sometimes its not
there for you to write.
one piece of advice do you have for new authors?
advice to all new authors is never allow anyone or anything to force you to
give up on you. No matter what. You can’t give up on yourself.
Tell your readers anything else you want to share.
I started this writing journey, I really didn’t know what to expect, I wrote my
first book in 2015 Titled You Are Designed to be Successful, and that book made
it to #26 on Amazon's best Sellers’s list and I felt like I accomplished
something special, but God wasn’t done with me. He allowed me to publish my
second book God's Gift woman in which It was an Amazon #1 ranking for new
releases. By Gods grace and mercy this is
only the beginning so for those of you that have enjoyed my writings,
stay tuned the best is yet to come
The first part of the book introduces the readers to understand the value that God placed on women, and why it’s so important for women to unlearn the things that society has shown them regarding their purpose, why you need to establish a healthy relationship with the Creator so he can be your guide, and how you can get your power back that the devil thinks he stole from you.
God wants and needs an open dialogue with you so you will no longer have to ask what your purpose is. As the story goes on, you learn what a good man should like to provide you with the love you so desire. No longer will you feel the need to settle, know who you are, and what is your value in Christ. Take the journey.
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Product Details
- Publisher : Covenant Books (September 3, 2021)
- Language : English
- Paperback : 70 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1638850011
- ISBN-13 : 978-1638850014
- Item Weight : 3.99 ounces
- Dimensions : 6 x 0.17 x 9 inches
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