Friday, June 1, 2012

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JUNE 1, 2012  (Updated June, 3, 2012)
Dr. Mel's Message
Vol. 2, Edition 2


If you are not having problems subscribing to Dr. Mel's Message, skip reading this section and proceed to the next article.

Several members from my previous newsletter and from The Keystroke Killer Fan Site are reporting they are having difficulty subscribing to Dr. Mel's Message.  After an investigation into the problem, we finally have been able to isolate the reasons. 
  1. Some thought by visiting the site and being able to read it, they were joined as members or "Followers" because they either had joined the Facebook site or were members of my previous newsletter.  That isn't the case.  Just because you can see Dr. Mel's Message, doesn't mean you joined or have subscribe to the blog.  The blog is made public for anyone to view.
  2. In order to join, you must "physically" subscribe and opt in to received each new post of Dr. Mel's Message.  I have made it easier for everyone to subscribe.  Look up at the top right hand corner and notice the lime green, read, blue, and gold icon pointing to the area to subscribe.  Just by it, you will see the area of boxes for you to subscribe.  There are different methods in which you are able to subscribe.  1.     By adding your email address, or 2. By joining through a social network of your choice.  Once joined by E-mail, you will have to verify that you want to opt in.  Once that is completed, you will receive an E-mail for each new post, but not for the updates of an existing post.
  3. To double check to see if you have indeed subscribe to receive future Dr. Mel's Message Blog, sign in on the top line, and then scroll down until you see the list of followers.  Your picture icon and name should appear.  That means you were successful.  If you are not listed, then you viewed the blog, but did not subscribe to it.
  4. Please be advised that I am discontinuing my newsletter replacing it with this interactive blog.  That way, we can continue our group community allowing for feedback and it becomes a two-way street.  I love reading your comments and hearing from you.  Together, we can make films and television shows. 
  5. Also, if you follow me, you receive the updates, if you only subscribe, you get notified of new posts.  That is the difference.
  6. Lastly,  thank you for your patience, as I am getting familiar with this as well

By Margo Fleming

New Orleans - June 1, 2012 - Face Book was burning up at midnight in New Orleans and in Los Angeles as the deadline on May 30, 2012 to submit online auditions hit a record high.  "We couldn't keep up fast enough," Says Dr. Mel Caudle, creator, producer, and screenwriter of The Keystroke Killer.  "I was shocked as we hit a record high of actors requesting to join THE KEYSTROKE KILLER FAN SITE on Face Book."  Dr. Mel wasn't the only one that was shocked.  Executive Administrative  Director, Robby Stroud concurs.  According to Robby, the largest request of people requesting to join the site on a single day was 125 actors.  "The night of the audition deadline, we hit a record high of 923 requests. We couldn't add them fast enough."

The good news according to Dr. Mel she believes that most roles for The Keystroke Killer pilot series are going to be able to be cast from the first round of online auditions. "The high quality of actors that submitted overwhelmed me," says Dr. Mel.  "Audition after audition were posted for a single month.  Our team watched everyone of them up until the craziness started to happen with the deadline.  We couldn't keep up with them."  Dr. Mel says that actors need not worry about their auditions being watched.  "We will watch everyone of them submitted up until the deadline and will also comment on them."

The Keystroke Killer casting team has hit a home-run and according to Hollywood Insiders are fast becoming trendsetters in the industry.  The online casting process they are using allows for actors from all over the country to participate.  "As producers and directors, we are no longer bound to casting out of Los Angles or New York," says Dr. Mel.  "We can see anyone from any state." The vision for Dr. Mel is a simple, yet extremely trendsetting concept. "We didn't want to be influenced by resumes, personalities, or the fact that one of our members knows a particular actor," says Dr. Mel. "The Keystroke Killer project is slated as a television series.  Therefore, aired and seen on our television screens. That is how we wanted to first see the actors.  Having them submit online first allowed us to view potential cast on our computer monitors and in the case of Mark Freehelm, executive producer, his Face Book account is set to his big screen 52-inch television.  He watched all of them that way."  

The casting team felt that if they looked good on screen during auditions, then their ability to portray the characters would translate once the project is complete.

Dr. Mel Caudle watching online auditions from actors for The Keystroke Killer.  Over 1500 auditions submitted for the first round.  Excitement grows as actors sit on pins and needles waiting to hear if they made the callback list.

So the answer to big question waits - how and when will actors find out if they have been selected? "We will spend the next two weeks reviewing individual auditions and contacting actors for callbacks directly through their Face Book accounts," Dr. Mel says. "From there, we will provide a private E-mail address for the call back actors to submit there resumes, head shots, and location preference, e.g., New Orleans or Los Angeles, for the face-to-face audition."  Actors who submitted auditions are encouraged to subscribe to Dr. Mel's blog at  to keep updated as this will be the easiest way to get the latest information.

Actors on the THE KEYSTROKE KILLER FAN SITE on Face Book report that it is like " Sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear if they make the call back list."  "I haven't seen this so much excitement about one of my projects," Dr. Mel says.  Why the difference?  Robby believes the people in general are drawn to the style and genre of the screenplay.  "People love psychological thrillers," Robby says.  "Then when you couple one with science fiction, great writing, and an opportunity to get involved, the swell for it grows." 

For questions on the call backs procedures, contact To find out more about The Keystroke Killer visit  




By Dr. Mel Caudle
Producer, screenwriter, and Author

Wow!  What a night we had on May 30, 2012 as the deadline for actors to submit auditions approached.  My team and I were shocked to say the least.  We sat back and asked, "Where did everyone come from?"  We can't thank you enough for every one's participation and the quality of actors that submitted.  I truly believe we can cast actors from the first round of online auditions leaving very little remainder of the cast to be found.  I tip my hat to every actor that submitted and that is taking this journey with us.  The fun is just now starting, so don't leave us now.  

Many talented actors, I personally remember their auditions.  I can't mention all 2,000 plus actors, but I do want to mention several outstanding performances that if you didn't get a chance to watch I consider a must view.  Please keep in mind, that this doesn't mean that they are the ones chosen for that specific role, but I felt that their audition merits as an outstanding performance or the "You nailed it" performances.  And, if your name isn't listed yet; don't fret over it.  This is just the beginning and with each new blog I will be adding to the list.  Additionally, as the face-to-face auditions begin, I'll add the impressive auditions as well.  The last step will be the big announcement of who got cast in what roles.

I realize this seems like a hurry and wait game.  But, isn't that true of our industry?  Our team is working 15-18 hours a day and peddling as fast as we can.  Many actors have commented on our Face Book page that they are on pins and needles waiting to hear even if they have made the call back list.  At least for now, these must see auditions listed below, can feel confident they will get a call back.  This is the section I'm going to call IN THE SPOTLIGHT that Robby and I both agree upon.   

Matthew: Geryh Curtis, Nathan Lucas, Stephen Martin, Gary Kauffman, Rich Rubin (although he auditioned for Snead), Brandt Binkley (although he auditioned for Dr. Frank Franklin), Chris Waters,

Dr. Garrick Angela:  Robert Fleet, Rob Steinberg (although he audtioned for Alex, I moved him over), Stuart McClay Smith, Julian Grant, 

Judas:  Jack E Curenton, Trace Schroeder, Challa Sabre, Craig Jeffcoat, Chip Carriere 

Milo Evans:  Chris Swirles, Trace Schroeder, Timothy Wyant, 

Landlord:  DH Lewis, Billy Mayo (My personal apology Billy for not getting your last name correctly the first time - I guess I really do see you in the role).

Blaze:  For now, I"m not listing anyone in particular, that will be in then next blog, but I have to give kudos to Hannah Bickham as she has showed the most improvement and it has been a joy watching her growth.  Next Blog will contain Blaze highlights.

Ima Starr:  Gino Galento 

Congressman Thompson:  Justin Little (although he auditioned for Matthew), Vic Harris, Rich Rubin (although he auditioned for Snead)

Dr. Elizabeth Wright - Rachel Whitman Groves, Jennifer Rosario, Tina Rubin 

Peterson:  Jesus Ruiz, Phillip M Polite, Bryan Theodore, Carlton Enoch, Alphonse Philippe Mouzon

Jones - Bobbie Lee

Rebbecca Morrison - Amanda Chism

Meagan Montgomery:  Nathalie Tedrick, Julie Wions, Glenn Ellen Anderson  

Robby Ziegar:  Kenan Heppe,  Anthony Castillo, Nancy DeBoe, Don Ronaldo, Richard McKenzie

Professor Faust - Kristen Stewart

Dr. Frank Franklin - Michael Briggs, Anthony Castillo,

Snead:  William T Ensley

Hammer:  M Gerard Pavuk, Gary Kauffman (listed under Carlton Enoch who filmed it)

Lorenzo - Kennedy Moronta

Waitress - Susie Labry

CNC Anchor:  Graham Clarke, Clmesha McDaniel, Seth Oserin (although he audtioned for Dr. Garrick Angela)

Kyle Flores -  Bonnie Jane Levinson

911 Operator:  Clarissa Guerra

News Director:  Sher Myers 

Malcom - Joel Cole, Onairus Corner

Astrologer:  Marcy Toschi, Jennie Floyd 

Stephanie Winfield:  Madeline DeCourcey

George Newland - Vito Viscuso

Alex - Michael Villar, Tim Oman, Johnny Rock

Again, Don't PANIC if your name isn't on the above list.  These are spotlights and actor's will be added as we go through the auditions in the next two weeks. Additionally, I haven't included all the roles.  It is a spotlight list.


By Robby Cook Stroud
Executive Administrative Director
On the Lot Productions

Several actors are informing me that they are missing their audition posts.  They are probably not missing, but 700 pages deep.  TRUST ME.  

However, the easiest way to find your post is to go to the top of the Face Book page at the right hand corner and click on the magnifier glass search button tool and type in your name.  The search should provide you with all of your postings.  If you still can't find them, type in the character's name, then most of the auditions for that role comes up as well as yours.  Your last ditch effort, is to try and remember the date, you submitted and look through all notifications for that date.  If all else fails, don't panic. 


The time to panic is when face-to-face callbacks have been completed.  

PLEASE.  PLEASE.  PLEASE.  Do not post your audition again at this time because it only complicates our team's process unless we ask for it again.  Fortunately, we are able to print out all member's names in an Excel sheet file, alphabetically by submission dates, then make sure we find your audition by the search.  We note in the file data sheet the date of audition. Then each team member votes on the audition for the callbacks.  

Actors that get four or more out of the six, automatically will get a call back for a face-to-face audition.  Those with three votes, we may have you submit an additional audition and then make our decision.  Those with two or less votes, won't get a first round call back, but if we can't fill that role after the face-to-face auditions, will be called back first before we open the auditions up for the second round.  

If we don't find an audition for a member, we will inquire.  So just be patient.  This isn't our first rodeo doing online auditions and allow us to do our part by being patient.




By Samantha Goldman
Freelance Journalist
Freedom Press

New Orleans - June 1, 2012 - If you go onto the KEYSTROKE KILLER FAN SITE page on Face Book, two names are apparent - Dr. Mel Caudle and Robby Cook Stroud.  It is obvious who Dr. Mel is with the amount of coverage she has on the Internet.  From her books on education and the film industry to her films, screenplays and reality shows.  If you Google Dr. Mel, you can spend hours going over everything written on her or by her.  Not only is she an award winning retired high school principal with a PhD, Dr. Mel is an award winning screenwriter having placed in several national screenwriting contests.  Her books have been translated into five languages and sell world-wide.  A force to be reckoned with in the film and entertainment industry.

This leaves us with the question, "Who is Robby Cook Stroud?"  First of all, she goes by the nickname of "Rockyn Robbyn," after the song by the same name was made famous by the King of pop Michael Jackson.  "For some reason, as a kid, my family and friends, just started calling me that and it stuck,"  Robby says.  "It's easy for me to know who really knows me when they call me that."  

Robby comes from a diverse background and is Dr. Mel's right-hand and left-hand at On the Lot Productions. Her title in the company is Executive Administrative Director. "I couldn't be as effective as I am without Robby," Dr. Mel says. "She's the one that keeps me in focus.  She maintains my appointments, pushes me to write my books, tells me when they are ready to be published, who I have to call back, who I have to negotiate with for the next reality show or project and so much more."  

Robby takes her job seriously and works as hard as Dr. Mel leaving no stone left un-turned.  "If it needs to be done, I do it without Dr. Mel having to ask," Robby says. "That is why I am important to her."  Dr. Mel disagrees. "She's important because she is Robby and there isn't anyone else like her," Dr. Mel says.

Robby and Dr. Mel on a cruise
Robby and Dr. Mel have known each other all of their lives. In fact, when Dr. Mel was a high school principal in 1990, she insisted that Robby return to Adult Education and complete her GED.  "Robby is a genius," Dr. Mel says. "I think she is smarter than me.  Our educational paths just took a different line."  You see, Robby was a high school drop out, left home at 16, and had to make her way on her own. "It wasn't because I wasn't smart in school," Robby says. "I made straight A's. I was bored and the teachers didn't challenge me. I already knew what they were teaching me and I dropped out of school.  Dr. Mel changed that."  

Robby on a disaster site as a FEMA Inspector
Changed it indeed.  It was Dr. Mel who insisted that Robby return to school for her GED. But when Robby graduated, she walked across the stage of the high school where Dr. Mel was principal and received her high school diploma directly from Dr. Mel.  "It was a very special moment for the both of us," Robby says. You will be hard-pressed to find two people working together anywhere that are this close, with the level of trust between them, and with this much history together.  "Do I trust her?" Dr. Mel responded when I asked the question.  "I don't think I even need to answer that question."  Robby shares this sentiment with Dr. Mel.  

Robby has a unique history with Dr. Mel indeed.  However, she has made her own name professionally in the industry first as a driver and then as a transportation coordinator.  When not working on a film or television project with Dr. Mel, Robby works with FEMA as a housing inspector.  She has been to almost every natural disaster, including Katrina, helping people reclaim their lives.  

Stay tuned to this blog as more information about Dr. Mel and Robby is revealed.  They are who I call the "Dynamic Duo" in Hollywood South and are taking it by storm.

Michael Jackson performs "Rockin Robin."

40 & LEROY

Be sure to stay caught up on the web-series 40 & Leroy by subscribing to this comedy web-series. Dr. Mel Caudle, executive producer, has joined forces with Emmy Award winning director, Neema Barnette, who directed the current T.D. Jakes film, Woman Thou Art Loosed:  On the Seventh Day. The sitcom stars Lorenzo Eduardo and Horace Glasper. Created and directed by Reed McCants, 20-year veteran actor, this comedy keeps you laughing. Also, of particular note:  Jamie Alyson, member of The Keystroke Killer Fan Site on our Facebook page also is in the cast in the role of Sevan. Go to to watch this season's episodes. The series can also be viewed on Blip TV. And, better news yet, with any luck, Dr. Mel, Neema, and Redd will have this series airing on prime-time in the near future. Show your love for this project and subscribe.


"Instead of waiting on call backs on pins and needles, you may as well have a laugh or two."  Dr. Mel

Watch the latest episode of 40 & Leroy.  Once you do, you'll be hooked on laughter!

Executive Producers:  Neema Barnette, Dr. Melissa Caudle, Brian Holt
Director:  Reed McCants




I had the honor of being interviewed this week by a brand new magazine in New Orleans that covers the film and television industry.  The magazine, REEL NOLA MAGAZINE, covers the movers and shakers in the industry that are making a difference.  I am honored to have been chosen by the editing team as my interview will appear in an upcoming issue.  The magazine is available in print and digital form at  

I also was recently interviewed for an article about reality television in the magazine Gambit and will be on a radio talk show next week.  The Keystroke Killer and my books are gaining national attention.


One of the pleasures I have gotten out of the online audition process is the snippets of other projects that our members have been involved in. Several of our members have provided links to trailers, short films, and music videos. Each time I watched, I was allowed to transport and clear my mind from the auditions and gain a spurt of new energy. Take a look at three interesting projects, by clicking on their titles, that were introduced to me on our Facebook site.

submitted by Jack E. Curenton

Prepare for the invasion in 2012. submitted by Hannah Bickham

A fantastic New Orleans Band.  Beautiful strong vocals matching the great Etta James.

"Just don't dream it, film it."