Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Laurie Robinson Haden -- AUTHOR INTERVIEW WITH DR. MEL


Laurie Robinson Haden


Preparing for a Career in the Legal Profession: For High School


College Students Interested in Becoming Lawyers 


What inspired you to become a writer, and how did your journey begin?


My journey started with a spark of creativity that ignited my imagination and led me to pursue writing as a form of expression and communication. I wrote my very first book when I was eight years old. The name of the book is Dawn and Her Mom. The book was about Dawn, going to a local grocery store with her mom, seeing a shoplifter, and devising a plan to stop the shoplifter in his tracks. Dawn foiled the shoplifter, he was arrested, and she was rewarded for her heroic act. I look back and have always had an eye for social justice and helping to make the world a better place. My second book, It's Time to Shine: A Guide for Professionals On How to Advance In Their Careers, was published in August and designed to inspire readers to achieve self-fulfillment in their lives and careers. My third book, Preparing for a Career in the Legal Profession: For High School and College Students Interested in Becoming Lawyers, was recently published and designed to encourage middle school, high school, and college students to pursue the field of law. I have a passion for empowering readers. 



Can you describe your daily writing routine? How do you structure your writing day?


My daily writing routine involves a three-prong approach. First, I must get to a quiet place to collect my thoughts. Second, I must outline my thoughts and concepts. The writing process requires me to dedicate time to focus on my craft. I structure my writing day by outlining my goals, creating a conducive environment, and immersing myself in the creative process.


What is the most challenging aspect of writing, and how do you overcome it?


The most challenging aspect of writing is when I feel stuck, and the creativity needs to flow. Though it can result in frustration, I overcome it by staying encouraged. I do this by listening to upbeat music and daily affirmations. Sometimes, I must go outside for a walk or go to a place where I can spark my creativity, such as seeing a good movie. I must stay disciplined so the challenges do not overcome me.  


Which authors or books have influenced your writing the most, and in what ways?


Authors like Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, and Isabel Wilkerson have influenced my writing through powerful storytelling and profound insights. Their work has inspired me to delve deep into identity, resilience, and social justice themes.


How do you approach creating characters, and what makes them resonate with readers?


Creating characters involves delving into their backgrounds, motivations, and emotions to make them relatable and authentic. Crafting complex characters with depth and growth resonates with readers and evokes empathy and connection.


Are there recurring themes or messages in your books? What are you hoping readers take away from your work?


Themes of empowerment, resilience, and self-discovery are recurring in my books. I hope readers take away a sense of inspiration, courage, and hope from my stories, finding strength in the characters' journeys and messages of empowerment.



What advice would you give to aspiring writers who look up to you?


I advise aspiring writers to stay true to their authentic selves, embrace vulnerability, and hone their craft through practice and perseverance. Trust their instincts, seek feedback from trusted friends and advisors, and never stop learning and growing as writers.


How do you handle feedback and criticism of your work?


Feedback and criticism are critical tools for growth, improvement, and advancement. I approach them with an open mind, learning from constructive feedback and using criticism as an opportunity to refine my writing and storytelling skills.


Can you share an example of a significant change you made to a book based on feedback or during revisions?


An important change I made to a book based on feedback was adding a chapter to my book that was not originally there. I shared a draft of my book, It's Time to Shine, with a friend. She told me the book sounded too pollyannish and recommended that I add a chapter on overcoming setbacks and disappointments. The revision helped to complete the book and the story. That added chapter is the one I received the most feedback about, as it is very helpful to the reader.  


Are you currently working on any new projects? Can you share something about what's coming next?


I am passionate about helping the next generation. I have written a pre-law guide for the students and next, plan to create pre-law workbooks that children in elementary, middle and high school can utilize to help them be inspired to become lawyers.  


What are you currently reading, and how do you choose the books you read?


I prefer books based on diverse genres, authors, and themes that challenge and inspire me. I am reading Sheila Johnson's book Walk Through Fire, a unique story about an African American female billionaire who overcame roadblocks, setbacks, and challenges in her personal and professional career. It's an incredible journey of how she amassed success as a WNBA team and hotel chain owner through resilience and perseverance.  


How do you want to be remembered as an author? What impact do you hope your books will have?

As an author, I aspire to be remembered for my ability to evoke emotion, provoke thought, and inspire change through storytelling. I hope my books leave a lasting impact, sparking conversations, fostering empathy, and empowering readers to embrace their inner strength and shine brightly in the world.