Thursday, July 18, 2019

Intention Matters by Juliet Adams

JULY 18, 2019

I great each day with enthusiam and anticipation. The moment I wake up, I smile knowing that somehow and someway I will be blessed. I never know what email I will read, a phone call I'll recieve, or a visitor to my home. That's exciting for me because I enjoy life, my family, and my friends. I fell blessed. However, I'll have to admit the last couple of weeks have been a struggle as I've been in the hospital twice -- I had emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder,  two weeks later, back in the hospital with a severe back sprain during Hurricane Barry. Ouch! Enough of that. When I am bed bound, I read and I've been forutante enough to have found numerous books to read that kept me going. I like to call them my little gems I discover through the million of other books available.

That brings me to a book called PLANT HOPE: HARVEST LOVE by R. H. Kramer. In the face of adversity, the main character reinvents herself and overcomes. Kramer writes with passion and clarity. I recommend this book for those of you who like romance.


Here's another gem that aims at helping us become stronger as individuals. INTENTION MATTERS by Juliet Adams is a book that helps you develop a stronger focused attitude on your intentions.

Over the last five years, respected author Juliet Adams has researched the science that underpins intention. Recent research highlights the powerful role that intention plays in transforming a desire or wish into reality.

Intention Matters is an evidence informed, practical guide that will enable you to consciously focus your intention to get the things you most want from life, without the need for a guru!

This step-by-step, practical guide to working with intention teaches you:

·         How to use your natural abilities that you didn’t know you had all along

·         How to identify what you really want from life

·         How to make your dreams a reality by applying the I-Am model and IDEA framework

·         How to apply intention to every moment of your life

·         How to overcome barriers and obstacles

Packed full of information, tools, techniques and case studies, Intention Matters is published in a handy pocket sized format to make it more accessible and convenient to read anytime, anywhere.

 The Reviews for this book are outstanding.
As a busy (usually stressed) but ambitious manager, this book has made me think about the way I set goals to be more effective and hopefully successful! This book gives the perfect balance of a little of the science behind how the brain functions, while giving functional, helpful tips and guidance about achieving the things that I really want.  After reading Intention Matters, it will help me focus my energy on the things that do really matter.  Juliet’s personality comes across throughout the book, feeling like she’s there coaching me!  And it’s a perfect size to pop in your bag anywhere you go.  I will be recommending this book to friends and colleagues.  A must read for anyone who feels like they are juggling too many balls or who want to feel more empowered in setting future goals!  
Zoe Armstrong, Senior Learning and Development Mgr
It sounds so simple in principle but how many of us really focus our intention of what we truly want to achieve in life? We can drift from goal to short term goal while the word ambition sounds too nebulous and unattainable. In this book Juliet Adams calls out the force of intention, which guides us, whether we want it to or not, distinguishes it from other types of motive and shows how it can be used to bring us to the place we want to be. Every big picture starts with a point of precisely focused intention. This book gives you the tools to cultivate and apply it. Highly recommended for personal, business-oriented and world-changing outlooks!
Trevor Bradbeer  Specialist Signal Engineer
This accessible, no-nonsense guide will help you formulate your journey.  With fantastic gems such as the ‘little brain in your gut’, this book will empower professionals to help their clients really ‘get’ what their gut instinct is, and to sell the concept of trusting their gut.  It’s just one example of the many key ideas in Intention Matters that show self-care as a tool to bring out the best in others.  “Harnessing the mind, brain and body” demonstrates the importance of the holistic approach to a mainstream audience.  Up till now, there has been only one book I recommend, but now there are two! Juliet obviously knows her subject and has bridged the gap between knowledge and delivery to enable a wide range of people to not only enjoy this book but to learn and improve their lives. As a therapist and mediator, I would recommend this book to caring professionals, for themselves and to improve their practice, and I will certainly be using it with my clients.
Maria Goldsmith, Therapist & mediator
This book is for you if you want to dive into the world of intentions in a coherent, structured and non-fluffy way. This small book packs a punch. Juliet Adams gives us a lot to consider, discover and process. She doesn’t offer quick fixes to bring about your ideal life: be prepared to do the work. Spend some time defining your Deep Sincere Desires and explore your limiting beliefs with a mindful approach. Set those Mega Intentions and let’s change the world together!
Farah Govani-Exall, Executive Coach & Mindfulness Trainer
Juliet Adams has successfully distilled the essence of why intention matters and describes how we can integrate simple practices into our lives to make small shifts or big changes. She draws on science to give credibility to her approach and with this simple-to-use guide, anyone can can access a valuable set of tools for positive change.
Easy to read, clear to follow and includes some great tips and techniques.  
Karen House Behavioural Consultant & Coach

For more information on Julie Adams and her book, visit her website.