Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Grow Your Business Book Sales in 2020

Finally! This is the last day of 2019 and I can't wait for it to get over. It's been an unbelievable year, health wise, family wise, home front wise and more. There was so much that happened to me I don 't know where to start. To make a long story short the following things happened to me this year and more, but as you can read, it has been a turbulent year.
1. I accidentally set my kitchen on fire.
2. The security guy installing our system fell through our ceiling.
3. Our water heater exploded flooding the back part of the house.
4. I got pneumonia.
5. I had gall bladder surgery.
6. Sick again.
7. Lost 27 pounds -- that's not bad now that I think of it.
8. Husband had cataract surgery, both eyes.
9. Husband cut the tip of his finger off.
10. Grandkids all got sick at once.
11. My daughter and her family moved from Oregon to Mobile, AL.  YEA!!!
12. My mom got pneumonia, hospitalized, then my sister, same day hospitalized for it, then me again.
13. My mom's cancer returned and she is now in hospice with weeks left.
14. My sister had back surgery, the same week mom went into hospice.
15. My granddaughter got ill and ER with Noro virus.
and today, seriously, somehow last night I scratched my cornea so my eye is on fire, red, and tearing.  Needless to say, I am ready for this year to be over.
Now, on a positive note, lots of good things happened this year including me publishing my book A.D.A.M. THE BEGINNING OF LIFE in paperback, eBook, and Audible narrated by the fabulous Rebecca Roberts. If you haven't read this book, it is one of my favorites that I wrote. To welcome in the New Year, the first 15 people to email me at drmelcaudle@gmail.com and tell me they want an audible code to listen to the book free, consider it done.  Here is the audible excerpt.

Also this year, the Audible for my book THE KEYSTROKE KILLER: TRANSCENDENCE came out, narrated by the powerful narrator Scott Ellis. Here is the excerpt here.

Then, bam!!! I also published NEVER STOP RUNNING, in eBook, paperback, and Audible narrated by the dynamic Jessica Drumm. This is the book that has my mother's picture taken in 1954 on the cover. You can listen to an excerpt of the book here.

If you think all of these books weren't enough to keep me busy, I also published two other books for authors -- How to Launch and Market a Book: Six Month Countdown and How to Increase the Sale of Your Book on Amazon: Everything an Author Should Know About Loglines. Both of these books were narrated by the golden voice of Timothy Burke with the later currently in production. If you are an author, and want to increase your sales of your books, both of these books are a must. How to Launch and Market a Book: Six Month Countdown is my method that I use to promote my books and others to the #1 New Release on Amazon. Any author knows that it isn't good enough to write a book and not market it. When you fail to market your book, you lose revenue -- passive revenue.  This approach as been proven time and time again with many authors who I have helped to launch their books and to increase book sales. If you are serious about selling more books, then give this a shot.
Besides, publishing my books listed above, I also have helped to edit and publish more than 60 books this year under my company's banner Absolute Author Publishing House. Many of those books I help to market launched as the #1 New Release including the latest called AWESOME AGAIN.