Monday, December 23, 2019

What are Mannish Laws?

Dear Readers:

My makeshift office in my mother's room
as she sleeps in her recliner as I work. Oh,
the cat is Johnny Cat who has adopted me.
Happy, happy holidays to you. I don't know about you, but I am exhausted and I feel like I am being pulled into a thousands directions. As you all know, my mother has cancer and doesn't have much time left here on this earth. The good news is that she knows that soon she will sit at the right hand of our Savior. She has no doubt and neither do I. With her being extremely ill, I have been at her side taking care of her. I set up a mock office in the corner of her room so I could be near her when and if she needed me. The most beautiful part of this time was a very special Christmas gift she gave me this year. I'm not talking about the plush new robe she allowed me to open early because I was freezing, but something else completely free that can't be bought -- she prayed outload for me and my family as she squeezed my hand. Now, that's a gift. I've always said to keep Christ in Christmas and now I know why, my mother set the example. I haven't heard my mother pray out loud in years so you can only imagine how I felt as I listened to her voice lifting me up to Him. Even as ill as she is, she will always be a mother and no matter what, a mother will do what she can for her children until her very last breath. I'm fortunate to have had her pray for me. Trust me, her prayer was heard by Him because I am at peace. During this time, give the best gift of all, the gift or prayer and a testimony of what Jesus has done for you. Spread the joy, don't wait until you are on your deathbed.
May you all find joy, love, and peace,
Dr. Mel

Solomon Christian

Manhood Defined 

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Tell your readers a little about yourself. Where you grew up, where you live now, where you went to school etc. Let them get to know the personal you.
Who am I? What can I say? How best can I describe myself?
Well, I’m a middle-aged professional man that is originally from the “Deep South.” Born in the “City by the Bay”, Mobile, Alabama. At a young age my family relocated to the Northeast, where I grew up. Most of my adolescent life experiences took place in the inner city, and the suburbs of Washington, DC.
My Summers were often spent back down south with my grandparents and other extended family. I’m a proud graduate of the University of South Alabama where I majored in Human Resources Management. Following my college experience, I began my professional career as a Manager Trainee with one of the leading retail department stores in the area. I’ll never forget the feeling of getting my very first paycheck off of that whopping $19,000 a year salary. Those were truly the days.
But little did I know that this job would present an assortment of challenges and circumstances that would serve as a springboard to progressively greater career opportunities that span a range of industries that include Community Development & Fundraising, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology, Telecommunications, Facility Service, and Construction support.
Today, I am the proud owner of a thriving small business and the author of my very first published book, “MANNISHLAWS – Manhood Defined.”
What inspired you to write this book?
For years I had been expressing an interest in writing a book. The funny thing is that my ideas always revolved around producing something that related to helping men. But in what way, was the question? And though I never could exactly define what I wanted the book to be about, I knew it was going to involve the male development experience, a self-help book of sorts.
I guess my true inspiration for writing this book was a personal need to share information that could be beneficial for the readers. And not just conceptual knowledge, but information that applies to the daily lives of ordinary men. I was further motivated to write this book because I had also grown somewhat frustrated with what I perceived as the inability of many of my peers to break out of a hopeless cycle of failure. Hopefully this book we’ll help, motivate, or even inspire its readers to grow, and advance beyond their current places in life.
Where did you get the inspiration for your book’s cover?
During my many conversations over the years. One thing that I recognized was the fact that many of the experiences that contributors shared had a certain amount of overlap, or basic similarity. This told me that, we men, all are experiencing many of the same life issues and challenges. Regardless of our backgrounds, socioeconomic status, wealth or lack thereof, we all are experiencing many of the same obstacles relating to interpersonal relationships, personal development and life vision. And while there are similarities in our stories, our faces look very different. So, as a result, I wanted to design a cover that reflected the people that contributed the many stories that comprise this book.
Who has been the biggest influence on you personally and as a writer?

My grandfather, by far, has been the greatest influencer on my life. Having barely a 7th grade education, he grew to become a high-level minister his church, a respected community activist, and a recognizable professional figure on the riverfront of the Alabama State Docks. And while I was proud of his accomplishments, none of those things served as inspiration for me personally. What had the greatest influence on my life was the fact that whenever I looked for him, he was there. Whenever I needed someone to pick me up, nudge me forward, have a corrective conversation, and generally love me in a way that encouraged responsibility and manhood development, he was there. Not to diminish anything else that was done by the other people that loved and cared for me in my life, he was simply able to deliver the “how to’s”, and the “need to knows”, in a unique way that impacted my life to a greater degree.

What were your struggles or obstacles you had to overcome to get this book written?
I don’t think my challenges producing this book were dissimilar from what many other first time Authors face. My most basic obstacle was one of committing to take on the project and move it from the realm of talking points to organized text. Then there was also the issue of Time Management. There are only so many hours in a day. Where would I find the time to produce a book while managing the responsibilities of running a growing enterprise, as well as dealing with the normal issues, challenges and occasions that go along with everyday family life? To add to the challenges, I had zero experience writing a book. I knew very little about anything relating to taking a book from idea to publishing.
Then lastly, as it pertains to the content. How do I arrange it so that the readers find it useful, engaging, and pertinent to their daily lives.
Tell your readers about your book.

Well, the concept of the book is actually in the name. “MANNISHLAWS - Manhood defined.” In a nutshell this book is a compilation of stories, circumstances, and challenges that men have experience over generations. And while there’s nothing unique or earth-shattering inside the cover of this book, The Power of this book comes from the sheer fact that many points covered in this book are things that have been experienced, to some degree, by the reader, or someone that the reader knows. Not only does MANNISHLAWS talk about, and attempt to categorize the male experience, it goes even further to define what manhood really is. As a result of reading this book, it is my hope that the readers become better equipped to understand how to embrace manhood, live life as a real man, and become able to live life at a higher level without regret.

Who is your target audience and why?
Primarily my target audience is Men. Young men, middle aged men, and old men. Next, I’m seeking to attract anyone that aspires to be a greater man, as well as those who may have men in their lives that may benefit from such a valuable resource.
If you were going to give one reason for anyone looking at your book to read, why should they buy it?

This book is an Incredible tool and resource with information that the reader will certainly benefit from. But not only that, the reader will generally enjoy this book and be compelled to turn the page to see what’s coming next. Not a fairytale, not a Sci-Fi novel, or a book on your favorite athlete. This is a how to book for manhood development that is a must have for any man, or anyone that cares about the impact of manhood on the men in their life.
What do you consider your greatest success in life?

While I’ve been blessed to experience success on various levels, I always find it a struggle to identify one thing that I can call my greatest accomplishment. Success tends to be something that I see as fleeting. I seek it, I achieve it, and then I look for the next thing. But that being said, what gives me the most joy is my participation in raising my two sons. Though they are young men now, Being a father is a job that is certainly not easy, there are a lot of requirements and sacrifices that go into it, but I cannot think of anything else that has been more enjoyable in my life, than watching my boys grow and mature into men. Seeing so much of me and them has really add it a tremendous amount of pride in my life. So, being an active, influential, and loved father has, by far, been the greatest success in my life.
Everyone has life lessons to learn, tell your readers one or two of yours and how they make you the person you are today.
My life lesson was “Learning how to be ordinary.” As an adolescent, as well as during a great part of my young adult life, I was overly ambitious. But not just anxious to be successful, I was overly obsessed with achieving extraordinary things and acquiring material possessions. I pursued these things with an ambition that outpaced both my physical resources and abilities. I was a “Ready, Fire, Aim” type person. Committed, but disorganized. 
What I learned in time was that it was not just important that I learned to do things in a proper and appropriate order, but it was mandatory. I found that my ambition and desire to accomplish extraordinary things was always driving my behavior. So much so that I had become comfortable seeking out short cuts to achieve my goals on virtually any level. I had become comfortable with doing things out of order to expedite what I perceived was my progress towards the goals that I wanted to achieve. 
Ultimately, I learned that before I could achieve extraordinary things, I had to learn to be consistent and proficient in doing the ordinary things first. This required me to be more focused on doing things in a progression that would allow me to experience and enjoy sustained success, rather than experiencing happenstance wins along my path.

What one unique thing sets you apart from other writers in your genre?

If I could determine what would set me apart from other self-help experts, I would say that it’s my “ordinary man” status. I am not a professional book writer, neither am I an award-winning self-help expert, nor am I a life coach of any magnitude. What I am, is someone who recognizes that on one of the most basic levels, men share a lot of commonalities in our life challenges and circumstances. I just committed to cataloging, and summarizing some of these experiences and offered them up in a book. So, I’d say what makes me unique is the fact that I’m like every other “ordinary man.”