Sunday, February 2, 2020

If the Shoe Fits – The Story of a Real Life Cinderella

Every once in a while I come across an inspiring memoir or autobiography that not only engages me, but also provides me encouragement. Lately, after my mother passed less than a month ago, I needed all of the encouragement I could get. Sometimes, you'll find it in the most unexpected ways. That is the case of today's book, "If the Shoe Fits - The Story of a Real Life Cinderella" by actress Emma  Fletcher. I hope you enjoy learning about her and her book.


They say most people do not recall memories earlier than the age of three, unless those memories evolved from traumatic experiences. Perhaps this is why Emma Fletcher has such early memories. Refreshingly candid, this inspirational autobiography sees actress Emma Fletcher recalling her incredible life story. Overcoming early trauma and a great deal of heartache has led to a life of compassion and maintaining a smile on her face at all costs. However, Emma’s fascinating life story, is not that of a victim, but of a strong and talented woman who has triumphed against adversity in order to attain her dream of becoming a busy theatre, film & TV actress.

- Paul Burton, Writer and Theatre, Film and TV Historian
I’ve always believed I grew up under the guidance of a bright shining light – perhaps that is why I have always reached for the stars. Emma’s story is one of courage, determination and self-belief and a battle against all odds. She openly lays her heart and soul on the line allowing the reader to share in her heartaches, and triumphs, whilst at the same time being a source of inspiration. Hers is a story that will keep you engrossed until the very end. An engaging true life story and a must read!

- Spencer Lloyd-Peet – Writer for Cinema Retro


Enjoy books based on real life? Looking for a book to connect to, having survived trauma or in the process of facing a personal battle?

“If the Shoe Fits - the Story of a Real Life Cinderella,” is the autobiography of one woman’s journey through a series of traumatic events, aimed at empowering the reader with their own battles. Author Emma Fletcher, leads her readers through her heartwarming personal battle with tragedy, explaining how she dealt with each event faced. Fletcher openly considers and analyses, how each event impacted upon her life and subsequently lead her to self-realization. She looks at how each moment shapes us into who we become and ultimately how she broke the cycle of allowing trauma to define her. Fletcher eloquently describes how she dealt with each event and how, through soul-searching and personal discovery, she was able to understand what these life changing events meant to her purpose in life. As she looks at how these discoveries enabled her to come out the other side of each traumatic moment with renewed hope, she considers how grief and tragedy can be used as a tool to empower us, rather than needing to define us. The author manages to offer readers a sense of self-empowerment over their own lives, through her candid and refreshing writing style and earnest approach to her life. If the Shoe Fits is an honest and thought-provoking journey, filled with parables on life and a look at how it is possible to deal with each encounter we face, allowing it to become a positive learning curve, to lead us to the next moment in our life. Aimed at helping people in a similar situation, Fletcher reflects on how each event both shaped her and made her into the person she is today. Her story will make you question whether there really is such a thing as coincidence or whether each and every moment, is intentionally designed to lead us to the next; the building blocks of life and the very foundations of who we are.
Emma Fletcher
Photo Credit: Claire Curtis
If the Shoe Fits – The Story of a Real Life Cinderella

Tell your readers a little about yourself. Where you grew up, where you live now, where you went to school etc. Let them get to know the personal you.

‘Wow!’ and ‘Gosh!’ are normally the words people use upon hearing my life-story for the very first time. This is usually followed immediately with the words, “You could write a book!” 
     My journey so far has been an unusual one, to say the least. Raised by my maternal grandparents and witnessing the untimely death of both my mother and father whilst still very young, I was subsequently rejected by close members of my immediate family. This led me to become affectionately known amongst my friends as ‘The real Cinderella.’
    They say most people do not recall memories earlier than the age of three unless they evolved from traumatic experiences. Perhaps this is why I have such early recollections. My life has truly been a roller-coaster of emotional events, but I am grateful to God for blessing me with a happy disposition, which has more often than not helped me to get through some of the more distressing events in my life with a smile on my face, even when my heart was heavy.
    My maternal grandmother always used to say to me, “One day someone will write a book about your life” and funny enough, I always knew they probably would.
    I have always believed that, no matter what life confronts you with, it is possible to get through it in a way that will ultimately serve you well. If you are faced with a problem, I feel you should change your attitude not your goal, for the outcome will be greater if your attitude is born from wisdom and positivism rather than arrogance and negativity. This is my humble view, for what it is worth.
    Forever the optimist, I firmly believe God only gives you challenges He knows you can overcome and ultimately that will help you to grow. Without rain, we could not appreciate the sunshine, and without the difficult times, we could not appreciate the good. When you cry out to God for what you have lost, He, in response, will show you what you have found. So, do not fear that which you do not understand; instead embrace the chance of the rewards of new discovery. Yes, sometimes it is hard to remind yourself of all this when you are face-down inside a bottomless black abyss, however, if you can climb out and pick yourself up, what you will discover will amaze you. What you will find is a new found strength you never knew you had. Having been face down in that black abyss myself on many an occasion, I know it is possible to come out on top. Don’t be afraid to fall. We learn from our misguidance. Just keep reminding yourself that without risk there can be no growth; for you must take a chance and try a new path in order to grow.
    My grandmother always said to me, “If you fell down a hole, you’d probably come out with a silver coin in your hand.”
     What a marvelous outlook on life and what conviction and belief she instilled in me and in my ability to remain strong, even in my darkest hour. So think to yourself, if you fall, then next time you will know where to tread and you will do so more carefully!            
    Amidst the adversity I’ve experienced in my life, I always knew I wanted to follow in the footsteps of many people in my family and enter the unforgiving world of show business. Perhaps it was a quest for love or just a cry for attention, but, from as early as I can recall, it was always my dream to one day appear on television or stage and see my name in lights. I’ve always believed I grew up under the guidance of a bright shining light. Perhaps that is why I have always reached for the stars.
    My family and friends’ reactions upon telling them I was finally going to write a book were, I am pleased to say, one of encouragement all round. The question I kept getting asked by everyone was, “What is the premise for the book? Will it be a how to follow your dreams book, a how to get into the world of acting book, a self-help book or one of those inspirational, real-life, heartbreak to happiness story books?” And my answer, “I hope, all of the above.” My story is indeed that of the real Cinderella. It is one of compassion and overcoming heartache, whilst maintaining a smile on my face at all costs. It is also the story of reaching for your dreams. It really is true what ‘they’ say, "Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone." 
    I hope this book will make you laugh, cry a little and search your soul to help you become the person you truly are worthy of becoming.   
    This is my story… Emma Fletcher

What inspired you to write this book?

Having never kept a diary, when I was originally approached to write a book about my life experiences, I was unsure how the process would make me feel. As I am a very private person, my initial reaction was I didn’t want to do it. I didn’t want to write down my personal experiences and intimate feelings on paper for the world to read, leaving myself open and exposed. My next thought was, as I have been through so much upset in my life, perhaps the memories were best left in the past, where they belonged.
     My initial thought when agreeing to write this book was, “Why would anyone want to read a story about my life?” The response I received was simply, “Because your story is inspirational and you have so much to share” I was aware that if I were to tell my story I would have to tell the whole story, as half of it would only reflect half of who I am. I was also concerned the book should not turn into one of naming and shaming or finger pointing. The most important element would be for it to become a book which might inspire and help others to overcome adversity in their own lives and to demonstrate through my story how it is possible to come through the other side of heartache with a smile still on your face and your faith in humanity intact. That is exactly what I hope you the reader feel having read my story. If reading this book can indeed inspire you to follow your dreams against the odds, then I have succeeded in my mission and this book was worth writing.

Where did you get the inspiration for your book’s cover?
The idea for the cover of course came from the story of Cinderella, however I wanted it to be more than that. I wanted to get across to the readers the notion that life may bring you challenges, which can certainly unsettle you and even knock you off balance but it doesn’t have to break you. It is possible to get back onto your feet again and stand tall.
Who has been the biggest influence on you personally and as a writer?
I very much enjoy books of all different genres. I am however, mostly drawn to reading biographies, stories of individual’s personal struggles and of triumphing over adversity, which I believe my story to also be.
What were your struggles or obstacles you had to overcome to get this book written?
The biggest struggles I had to face were those of an emotional nature. I had to allow myself to relieve elements of my past, which were painful at times but a necessary process in order to write the book. Completing the book nevertheless, proved to be a cathartic experience.
A bit about the book and who it was written for.
Enjoy books based on real life? Looking for a book to connect to, having survived trauma or in the process of facing a personal battle?
      “If the Shoe Fits - the Story of a Real Life Cinderella,” is the autobiography of one woman’s journey through a series of traumatic events, aimed at empowering the reader with their own battles. Author Emma Fletcher, leads her readers through her heartwarming personal battle with tragedy, explaining how she dealt with each event faced. Fletcher openly considers and analyses, how each event impacted upon her life and subsequently lead her to self-realization. She looks at how each moment shapes us into who we become and ultimately how she broke the cycle of allowing trauma to define her. Fletcher eloquently describes how she dealt with each event and how, through soul-searching and personal discovery, she was able to understand what these life changing events meant to her purpose in life. As she looks at how these discoveries enabled her to come out the other side of each traumatic moment with renewed hope, she considers how grief and tragedy can be used as a tool to empower us, rather than needing to define us. The author manages to offer readers a sense of self-empowerment over their own lives, through her candid and refreshing writing style and earnest approach to her life. If the Shoe Fits is an honest and thought-provoking journey, filled with parables on life and a look at how it is possible to deal with each encounter we face, allowing it to become a positive learning curve, to lead us to the next moment in our life. Aimed at helping people in a similar situation, Fletcher reflects on how each event both shaped her and made her into the person she is today. Her story will make you question whether there really is such a thing as coincidence or whether each and every moment, is intentionally designed to lead us to the next; the building blocks of life and the very foundations of who we are.

If you were going to give one reason for anyone looking at your book to read, why should they buy it?

To be inspired to allow yourself to follow your dreams; no matter the odds or the adversity you have faced in life.

What do you consider your greatest success in life?
The ability to bring a smile to people’s faces and give people hope. A personal little quote of mine:

“Little is the person who's scornful

in his wake but big is he who

surely knows honor for honor’s sake."

– Emma Fletcher

    Everyone has life lessons to learn, tell your readers one or two of yours and how they make you the person you are today.
     After watching the magnificent film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, it made me question whether if there were a tablet I could take to forget all the bad experiences in my life, would I? Yes, quite a question. But who would I be without my life experiences I asked myself? Don't get me wrong, I don't love trouble and when it knocks on my door I do my best not to invite it in for that full English tea, but would we not be poor shadows of ourselves without our experiences and surely none the richer nor wiser? To appreciate the highs we need to have, at some point in our life, experienced the lows. Not that I would wish my more unfortunate experiences on anyone, but they have certainly made me appreciate the finer things in life. So I decided that, if there were a tablet I could take to make me forget all the bad parts of my life, I would not take it. You read that correctly. I wouldn’t take it. In fact, I think it would be a pretty bitter pill to swallow if it were to make me forget all the things I have been through in my life and all that I have learnt to get me to where I am today, to be the person I am.
    I have realized that tragedy can strike at any time and with it comes the power to make or break you. In my case, I thank God it has made me strong. God's plan is not always apparent when adversity strikes, although you can guarantee it is usually the making of someone, one way or the other. I say choose the upwards spiral if you can!...
      … I have learned that whilst it is okay to reflect upon past experiences in order to learn from them, it is not okay to indulge in them. I don’t want to forget them completely either, as they remind me how far I have come. There are two schools of thought; one which says we should sit down and talk about our past to an impartial counsellor for hours, so we can reflect on where we went wrong and avoid making the same mistakes again and the other which says, leave the past completely behind and focus only on the here and now. My feelings on these two schools of thoughts are, that whilst I feel we can learn something from both of these ideals, we have to be careful not to adhere to either of them in complete isolation. If we spend too much of our life reflecting on and indulging in our past experiences, we can become very self-absorbed and start reliving the past, repeatedly. I know I have been guilty of this myself many times before now. I call this self-inflicted emotional vandalism. However, if we reflect only on our daily interactions and live only for the moment, forgetting the past completely, then we lose a sense of depth and who we are. Reflecting helps us not to make the same mistakes again in the future - isn’t that what the history books tell us? Likewise, indulging causes us to get stuck in the past. So the trick is not to become so engaged that it prevents you from moving forward but to recognize its lessons. Where we have come from is inherently a part of what makes us who we are, although it does not necessarily need to define us. I think there is a happy medium which lies somewhere between the two schools of thought, which allows us to recognize old habits, so we don’t repeat them and yet remain in the present, working on ourselves in the here and now. So remember the past, live in the present and look forward to the future. It is a fine balancing act.
    Rather than having therapy which makes you relive your past or tells you to block out your past altogether, the solution surely has to be to acknowledge your problems first and look at what you can do in your life to help change your mindset?  (I should add here, I am not suggesting to not have therapy, if that is what you require). So many of us, and I include myself in this scenario, are guilty of allowing negativity from our past to literally control our present. As soon as any new problem confronts us, we suddenly find ourselves connecting it to all the negativity we are holding from our past and allow all our old demons to rear their ugly heads again. This results in making the problem bigger than it ought to be. Don't allow your past to control your future. Too many people spend far too much time dwelling on their past and end up missing out on the present. I faced my demons and forgave myself and others who have hurt me. I have now learnt to not dwell on the past and to forgive myself for some of the choices I have made. I have learnt to leave the past where it belongs and to leave tomorrow until tomorrow. This allows me to live where I belong: in the present. This really is the only way to move forward in life. Recall good memories fondly but don’t allow bad ones to dictate your future. This mentality also helped to remind me that if I wanted to be able to love again, the first thing I had to do was love myself. Thankfully I have found the courage to search deep inside my soul and rediscover the person I was before all my demons took over.
    So to summarize, you have to face the mistakes you’ve made in order to work out how not to repeat them. You don’t have to keep reliving them. The expression; ‘Ignore it and it will go away,’ in my opinion is a dangerous myth, which amounts to ignorance, and ‘ignorance is not bliss’. Burying things does not make them go away, it just keeps them hidden, until they resurface in a different guise. Better to face your fears, so when they do resurface you are ready to take them on with strength. As fears are really just questions, that require an answer. When you can stare these directly in the face and answer them with a resounding ‘yes’, then they will disappear, as what you want in life is bigger than your fears. Recognize your mistakes and your fears from an objective rather than subjective viewpoint. Old habits are merely an addiction and any addict will tell you in order to change yourself, you must do it one day at a time. As the saying goes, ‘Don’t run before you can walk.’ This is so true, as you will only fall over. I ran and I fell and it hurt! If you can’t manage a day, try an hour; then slowly break your habit by increasing the hour to two and so forth.
     For me regret is now also a thing of the past. If I'm upset about how something has turned out, I will either try and change the outcome, or if I am unable to, then I allow myself to let it go, otherwise you can spend your life worrying about what could have been, to the point of digging yourself into an early grave. I’ve learnt to love the moment, as only in the here and now can real change occur. Regrets are a waste of precious energy.  I used to regret everything.  My favorite expression was, ‘What if?’ Now the only thing I regret is that I wasted so much time regretting! Don’t focus on what is lacking in your life, just on what you want to achieve. The passage of time is relentless and will wait for no man, but it can also be a healer; for although time cannot change the past, it can serve to soften the pain. Whilst I was writing this book I learnt that the relative who had caused me so much personal harm had passed away. This news conjured up a whole array of emotions and brought a lot of my past to the forefront of my mind. The knowledge of his passing did bring a tear to my eye. It saddened my heart to think of the relationship we could have had, should things have been different. We cannot change the past, so we must not allow it to dictate our future. We also have to learn to forgive, because if we hold onto anger and resentment, or retain ill feeling towards others, all that happens is it ends up eating us up from the inside out and we become embittered. So whilst I can never forget the hurt caused by others, I do forgive them.
    Although my past no longer defines me, it was, nevertheless, certainly the essence and building blocks for who I am today. I have asked myself before now if, God forbid, there were a fire in my home, which belongings I would rescue if I had the time? A strange question I hear you cry. Well, yes, I admit I do ask myself strange and testing questions it’s true. Perhaps it's the actress in me carrying out my own constant character breakdown, or perhaps it's just the fact I tend to over-analyze at times. Nevertheless, I think these types of questions force us to take stock of ourselves and discover what truly makes us tick. They make us reflect on whom we have touched in our lives and what and who is important to us. They also make us question what important selfless acts we have carried out over the years. So, what items would I save? Would it be my vast collection of DVDs? Perhaps I would grab my jewelry box from my closet or the trophies and certificates from my wall? Actually, it would be none of the above. The items I would save are my photo albums of those dear to me, the scripts and the music I have written and my artwork. In fact, what I have just described to you amounts to grabbing memories of most of the things that make me who I am. When I am laid to rest, it is not important to me to be judged on how many precious items of jewelry I have collected, but on how many people I have touched, hopefully with kindness. We can’t take our diamonds and pearls with us when we pass away. The meaning of life is not about what you take with you, but what you leave behind, so choose wisely what type of person you wish to become.
What one unique thing sets you apart from other writers in your genre?

This is my story.

Tell your readers anything else you want to share.
“If the shoe fits wear it;
then go and buy another one
to place on the other foot!”
– Emma Fletcher