Thursday, January 14, 2021

How Parents Can Raise Resilient Children


How Parents Can Raise Resilient Children: Preparing Your Child for the Real Tough World of Adulthood by Instilling Them With Principles of Love, Self-Discipline, and Independent Thinking Paperback – March 31, 2020

by Frank Dixon  (Author)

It’s A Jungle Out There, It’s A Jungle Here Too…”

The theme of a popular TV show from the 2000’s perfectly captures that spirit of our modern society. 

It IS a jungle out there, where the strongest members prey on the weak-minded. It’s a jungle where you need resilience, mental toughness and coping skills in order to survive and thrive. It’s a jungle that your children have to conquer. 

No, this is not your ordinary self help, positive parenting, or child psychology book. 


Frank Dixon, the author of this eye-opening parenting guide on how to raise resilient kids, has created an easy-to-follow strategy for parents, which will help you: 

✅Understand Resilience: Embrace It, Discover The Need for Raising Resilient Kids & The 7 C’s of Building Resilience, Perseverance and Self-Confidence for Kids.

✅Embrace Your Child As An Independent Thinker: Stimulate Creativity, Set Limits & Plant The Seeds For Good Habits.

✅Be Honest With Yourself: Take Responsibility, Avoid Painful Past Mistakes & Take Matters Into Your Own Hands.


Why Choose This Game-Changing Resilience Guide? 

Resilient children possess more control of their emotions, feelings, and their reactions to those emotions and feelings.

Remember, it’s a jungle out there and it’s your job to make sure that your child is ready to face any challenge, overcome failure, and adapt to any social environment. 

By the end of this comprehensive guide on how to raise resilient children, you will be able to help your child: 

✔️ Be More Optimistic & Handle Failure Better (Make Building Resiliency & Parenting Teens Easier)

✔️ Be More Confident & Pursue His/Her Dreams (Learn More About Raising Confident Children)

✔️ Perform Better At School, Sports Or Any Other Activity (Learn How To Discipline Without Negativity)

✔️ Avoid Common Pitfalls & Develop Their Own Defense Mechanisms (Understand The Art Of Raising Teenagers)

✔️ Learning Empathy Towards Others (Turn Your Kid Into The Empowered Child & Build Positive Habits)

“I Do Not Have Any Experience With Educational Psychology, Is This The Right Book For Me?”

Yes! You will be able to find simple, practical, and science-backed strategies that will allow you to correct bad habits, and gain an in-depth understanding of how to raise mentally strong kids. 

What Are You Waiting For?


Click “Buy Now” & Invest In Your Relationship With Your Child Today! 

Tell your readers a little about yourself, where you grew up, where you live now, where you went to school etc. Let them get to know the personal you.

My name is Frank Dixon, and I’m the author of the Best Parenting Books series. I grew up in Newton, Massachusetts, I’ve moved around all throughout Boston, but I’m currently back in my hometown where I grew up. After I completed high school, I joined the Army National Guard, and after serving for several years, I completed trade school for computer support, and my daughter was born in 2011. Since then, I have been working and writing. In my downtime, I enjoy spending time with my daughter, reading, writing, hiking, playing sports, swimming, and listening to comedy. For the most part, I’m a homebody; much of my family and friends live around me, so I’m quite content.

           What inspired you to author this book?

Growing up, I felt trapped. I experienced first-hand cheating, lying, secrets, and manipulation regularly as a child which had a lasting impact on me that was quite challenging to cope with. I felt entirely powerless as just a child standing in the face of injustice, always living under what felt like a double-edged sword of conditional love, and watching my family unravel.

While my peers were having a fun and worry-free childhood, I had surrendered myself to guilt, shame, depression, and anxiety. Millions of adults never recover from their painful childhood and, as new parents, pass on their fears, insecurities, and problematic behaviors to their children. It’s a vicious cycle, and I refused to let my childhood define me and crush me. I made a point to channel negativity, pain, and suffering from my childhood experiences to illuminate a positive future for myself and others. Overcoming my rough upbringing was the hardest thing I had to do. However, it taught me a lesson. I became the person I am today, not despite my childhood, but because of my childhood. That’s why I decided to share my experience and knowledge with new parents who want to avoid the same mistakes, who want their kids to succeed in life, who want to build stronger, happier, healthier families to give their child the best chance to grow into successful and thriving adults in an increasingly tough and challenging adult world.


           Where did you get the inspiration for your book’s cover?

At the core of what I believe good and positive parenting is, it comes down to love and empathy toward ourselves and others. With that comes strength, will-power and resilience, and an abundance of other positive traits. It is important to me that my book cover expresses the essence of what I want to convey to my readers when they see my book cover, and I feel that message is captured well.


           Who has been the most significant influence on you personally and as a writer?

I am thankful to have many great influencers in my life. I have always had a love for short stories, and some of my favorites were by Flannery O’Connor. She is a huge inspiration when it comes to impactful writing that really made me challenge my own thoughts and beliefs. Those I consider to be the most significant and influential are my daughter, extended family, and close friends who are much like family to me. My daughter has had a tremendously positive impact on me and reinforced that I have an important purpose in the world from the moment she was born. Because of her, I began to think on a much deeper level of what my purpose is in life besides for just providing for her. What I and each of us parents or otherwise can do in our lifetime to pass on to future generations to leave a positive and lasting impact for humanity.


What were your struggles or obstacles you had to overcome to get this book written?

Writing and the way I organize complex thoughts and ideas into making something simple and easy to understand comes to me fairly naturally. I’ve had that ability since I was a child, but I didn’t realize until I reached adulthood how I wanted to utilize it to my fullest potential. I have always had an abundance of thoughts, and choosing where I invest my time in terms of what I want to think about, focus on, and what to use that information for has been my greatest challenge. For many years it was endless notes, thoughts, and ideas written down. When I realized what I wanted to do is help as many parents as possible, everything came together.

Getting my books published at first, there was a bit of a learning curve and some setbacks, but I’ve since gotten the hang of it. The biggest struggle I have now is picking what topics I feel are most important and helpful to parents. It’s for this reason I’ve published a series of books to cover a wide range of important topics. However, I’ve been getting very positive feedback to continue writing and publishing on a variety of important parenting topics.



Tell your readers about your book.


Within, “How Parents Can Raise Resilient Children: Preparing Your Child for the Real Tough World of Adulthood by Instilling Them With Principles of Love, Self-Discipline, and Independent Thinking,” parents will learn how to help their child cope with uncertainties from failure and grief, to becoming more confident and to be resilient during tough times. This book covers the “seven Cs of resilience” to raise children as mentally-tough and creative beings. The book also explains the dangers of comparisons, the connection between creativity and resiliency, and how to foster creativity. Also covered are the various types of parenting styles and explain which method is most beneficial in relation to discipline versus punishment. This book covers empathy and the relation between learning and making mistakes, and examples are supplied throughout the book with actionable tips that can be implemented for an effective and positive parenting experience.


Who is your target audience, and why?

These books are helpful for any family member to understand child and human behavior better; however, it’s most beneficial to new and experienced parents and guardians who want to either improve their parenting skills or consider supplemental strategies to raise happy, healthy, and successful children that thrive as adults.



           What do you consider your greatest success in life?

My daughter is by far my greatest success and blessing in my life. She has given me purpose, happiness, and meaning in life.


What one unique thing sets you apart from other writers in your genre?

With the Best Parenting Books series, I have many different books on various subjects that new and experienced parents, guardians or family members can benefit from. I designed the Best Parenting Books series keeping in mind that I wanted to make my books fluff-free, easy-to-read with simple, actionable advice, and proven parenting strategies backed by research. This leads to an overall better parenting experience, an effective and functional family with kids that grow up to become successful and flourishing adults.