Saturday, August 6, 2022

THE SEVEN CHAKRAS AND THEIR RULING PLANETS: A Guide to Balancing Your Chakras and Discovering Your Full Potential by Howla Jardali


Dear Readers:

Having balance in life is essential. We eat, drink, work, play, rest, and.... Many times life's stressors cause our bodies and spirit to misalign. Does this mean we can't do anything about it? No! I love today's BOOK OF THE DAY, "THE SEVEN CHAKRAS AND THEIR RULING PLANETS: A Guide to Balancing Your Chakras and Discovering Your Full Potential" by Howla Jardali because, for the first time, I understand chakras and their ruling planets. Almost two years ago I was in a near-fatal car wreck. Recovering from it was massive. Two things I learned became very powerful in my healing process -- yoga and meditation. What was missing, was the fact that my chakras also needed tending to. My yoga instructor pointed this out to me. Once we managed to align my chakras, my life changed. Please don't underestimate the healing power of chakras. This book is an essential guide and a must-read. 


THE SEVEN CHAKRAS AND THEIR RULING PLANETS: A Guide to Balancing Your Chakras and Discovering Your Full Potential Paperback – April 9, 2021