Friday, March 13, 2020

"First, Do Harm" by Marc Kage

I would be remiss if I didn't speak of the CO-VID 2020 PANDEMIC! First, please everyone remain calm and diligent. Let's not become a society where we disregard each other. Instead, let's come together and help each other. At present, in New Orleans, where I live, we have the most cases in our state. I watched from Monday, when we only had one suspected case, until today, four days later, the Governor of our State, closed all K-12 schools, all concerts, all public gatherings of more than 250 people. Never in my life have I seen what is going on today. I pray everyone does the right thing, wash their hands, stay at home (sick or not) and allow this Pandemic to stop. Social distancing is what I believe is the only way. Be safe.

Now that I'm off my soap box, and basically stuck at home until April 13, 2020, I have plans on how to spend my time -- read, write, art, garden, and clean. That brings me to my love of reading. As you all know, I introduce you to books and their authors a couple of times a week. Today is no different. I have a wonderful mystery novel for you that is sure to intrigue. "First, Do Harm" by Marc Kage has all the makings of a first-class bestselling book. Please enjoy learning about Marc and his book.


First, Do Harm Kindle Edition $0.99