Parenthetical Thoughts of a Madman: A collection of ponderings, caricatured expressions, and rambling streams of consciousness during moments of anxiety Paperback – October 17, 2020
by Pätrick Kiernan (Author)
Sometimes it's okay to not be okay. That is just where you are right now. And that, too, is okay. In Parenthetical Thoughts of Madman, Pätrick shares a collection of passing thoughts while not being okay. Anxiety, PTSD, and finding support while navigating the needs of mental health can feel overwhelming at times, this book helps to share how you are not alone in it.Pätrick has suffered from anxiety most of his life. Compounded by periods of experienced homelessness, an inability to access mental healthcare, a series of devastating events, and cycles of opening up to friends about such struggles being met with emotional distancing, he found himself more frequently socially withdrawn into sustained periods of isolation. This means of self-preservation, although seemingly damaging on the surface, became the catalyst for an unexpected coping skill manifesting itself into sporadic 'note-doodling' on pieces of scrap paper during moments of anxiety. In the process of addressing serious impacts of unaddressed C-PTSD,
Patrick revisited these notes to try to understand if they were a product of his imagination, a symptom of madness, or a beautiful blend of both. In Parenthetical Thoughts of a Madman, he pulls together a collection of notes.
Reviewed in the United States on November 1, 2020
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Pätrick has suffered from anxiety most of his life. Compounded by periods of experienced homelessness, an inability to access mental healthcare, a series of devastating events, and cycles of opening up to friends about such struggles being met with emotional distancing, he found himself more frequently socially withdrawn into sustained periods of isolation. This means of self-preservation, although seemingly damaging on the surface, became the catalyst for an unexpected coping skill manifesting itself into sporadic 'note-doodling' on pieces of scrap paper during moments of anxiety. In the process of addressing serious impacts of unaddressed C-PTSD, Pätrick revisited these notes to try to understand if they were a product of his imagination, a symptom of madness, or a beautiful blend of both. In Parenthetical Thoughts of a Madman, he pulls together a collection of notes from himself to snapshot frames-of-mind along the path towards his ultimate goal of mental well-being. By sharing a collection of his thoughts, both up and down, he hopes to spread the message of “it's okay to not be okay”. Today, Pätrick lives in Vermont with his husband, Caleb, and enjoys the simplicity of a hygge-based lifestyle. You can find him on, YouTube, and Instagram.