Today's Book of the day, "Werewolves in the Woods" Super Scares Book 1" by Nick Jamieson is as cute of an adventure book as they come and is a must-have for all children.
Amelia made a very bad choice. She snuck out at night when she wasn’t meant to. Now she has found herself stuck in the woods near her house, with a bunch of angry werewolves trying to track her down. How is she going to flee these scary creatures, and who is the mysterious boy who is helping her?
Product Details
- Publication date: November 5, 2020
- File size: 1849 KB
- Print length: 27 pages
- Word Wise: Enabled
- Language: English
- Enhanced typesetting: Enabled
- X-Ray: Not Enabled
- Screen Reader: Supported
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Simultaneous device usage: Unlimited
- Lending: Enabled
About the Author
Nick Jamieson is a children's writer, focusing on the spooky and funny. He comes from a place called Australia, and is known for taking long walks at night... and seeing the strange things that happen around town!