Often in life, things happen that changes your life forever. In fact, I had one of those this week when my husband and I were in a near fatal crash less than a mile from our home. Long story short, we both ended up in separate hospitals with injuries and no one would tell us if either of us were alive or dead. I ended up with my left wrist broken, well, almost detached hand, a broken C2 vertebra, and re-injured by right broken shoulder and rotator cuff. After surgery to my left wrist where they put a plate in it and reattached the ulna and radius and all nerve endings and muscles etc..., I counted my blessings that I was alive and will gain my usage of my left hand. It will require extensive physical therapy and occupational therapy. I am now at home, under the supervision of home health care and home physical therapy and home occupational therapy for the next two months. As for my husband, he broke his sternum and has a severe concussion. God was good as he surrounded his angels around us. If you saw the wreck site, you would say there was no way we made it out alive. The engine was in the front seat and the car caught on fire with us in it. True heroes saved us pulling us out. Oh, also the light pole we hit broke in half landing on our car too. With all of this said, today's BOOK OF THE DAY, "The Enlightened" by Ash Morningstar resonated with me. When you learn about the book, you'll know why. this is surely on my fall reading list as it should be yours as well.