Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Andamio! Engaging Hispanic Families for ELL Success Using Brain-based Learning

As parents we all want our children to become successful adults. We can't do it alone and we surround ourselves with family, friends, pastors, Sunday school teachers, and school teachers. What happens if the child in our classrooms don't speak the same language? How can teachers engage learners? My next author, Susan Tierno, EdD, has researched these very questions and has written a book to guide teachers called, "Andamio! Engaging Hispanic Families for ELL SuccessUsing Brain-based Learning."
This pragmatic and comprehensive book integrates my research, my parent trainings and my “boots on the ground” experience working in some of the largest and most diverse school districts in the country. Based on my doctoral dissertation, “Andamio!” represents a breakthrough application of brain-based learning research for helping parents with their ELL children, specifically in Hispanic communities and in support of Title I programs. Andamio is the Spanish word for scaffold. As a noun, it is the perfect word to describe a framework, platform or structure for creating parent engagement. This book is a scaffold, written to explain the requisites imperative in how to structure, why you structure, what you structure, when you structure, and for whom you structure training to create real engagement for the Hispanic stakeholders in your community. Once your scaffold is in place, you can choreograph, organize and plan around that meaningful nexus, a community of stakeholders, who come wanting and ready to learn.“ For decades, educators have wrestled with issues related to the academic achievement of students. The role of parent engagement in the education of children has long been one of the challenges faced by school district administrators, support personnel, and teachers. How to engage parents in the students' learning process can seem overwhelming to Superintendents, Administrators, and the Parent Coordinators who are charged with designing and implementing the programs. The issue also includes the teachers who interact with parents on an almost daily basis. “This national opportunity for parent engagement encompasses a growing population of Hispanic parents, where the child’s first language is not English, adding another layer of complexity. Fortunately, we now have a book that contains a balance of thought leadership and pragmatic guidance to administrators, parent coordinators and teachers. “ from the Foreword, by Dr. Ana Maria Rodriquez.
Dr. Susan F. Tierno, Ed.D.

Andamio! Engaging Hispanic Families for ELL Success Using Brain-based Learning

Tell your readers a little about yourself, where you grew up, where you live now, where you went to school etc. Let them get to know the personal you.

 As a member of the Baby-Boomer generation, born in Fort Benning, Georgia, Dr. Tierno is the only daughter in five generations of an Italian family from Abbruzzi, Italy. Because her father was in the military, her life as an “army brat” was rich with travel from Army post to Army post, and she grew up in various parts of the United States and South America. Her father was a survivor of Pearl Harbor and her grandmother was a survivor of the Triangle Factory Fire.

Ms. Tierno’s life brought many educational opportunities, which led to her career in teaching and training in bilingual education, and as a nonprofit social entrepreneur. Three distinct experiences shaped her character and passion: the activities that surrounded her childhood Catholic school education; traveling to and from Bolivia in her college years for a project that became the driving force in her career; and becoming a social entrepreneur.
Wherever Dr. Tierno’s father was stationed, she and her two brothers were placed in Catholic schools, which her parents believed would provide the best education. In addition, they kept the three children very busy with out-of-school activities such as theater arts, library visits, swim team, bowling, sports, Scouting, and visits to local events, landmarks, parks, and museums wherever the family lived.
One experience Ms. Tierno recalls vividly is the visit to the Grand Canyon and all the monuments out West while traveling across the country on a family trip. Another memorable experience was witnessing President John F. Kennedy’s visit to Sandia Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico. For Ms. Tierno, lining up to see the president pass by in his motorcade will always be one of those experiences of a lifetime. While she held these treasured memories close, the richness of these experiences came back to her as she became an elementary school teacher.

Dr. Tierno attended Marymount College in New York, and spent a month studying in France because that was her selected second language for many years. Shortly thereafter, her father was stationed as the Military Group Commander of Southern Command in La Paz, Bolivia. She quickly turned to the study of Latin American history and asked the dean for permission to conduct an independent study in Bolivia, which was granted. As a result, for six months she worked with a Resurrection Catholic nun and priest in a small Aymara Indian school, taking several daily bus rides up the mountain to the village school. This experience laid the profound groundwork for her already well-familiar passion for teaching, and it added the bilingual perspective that built her background sociologically and anthropologically with cultures of the Third World. Many years later, Dr.Tierno was not only teaching in bilingual classrooms, but received a master’s degree in bilingual education from the University of Texas. Her experience in Bolivia was the beginning of a deep understanding of her personal passion for teaching and its relationship to immigrants and their impact on education today.
Dr. Tierno’s life’s experiences not only led her to teaching in elementary classrooms, but also took her to the University of Texas and the University of Nevada, and to positions in school publishing companies, where she learned the business of building a business. Thereafter, she designed her first education 501c3 foundation, dedicated solely to school partnerships with bilingual teachers and their professional development, and to their bilingual students and their families, with specific training in how to think and learn. During those years, she received the National Creative Thinking Recognition Award for innovative programs for teachers, parents, and kids from the Creative Thinking Association of America.
After taking a break from four national replication projects, Dr. Tierno’s lifelong experiences culminated in the dedication of her doctoral work to her mother and father, who now rest together at West Point. The experiences her parents afforded her—and growing up within a military family that itself descended from immigrants—formed her thinking and shaped her career. She believes it is this upbringing that gave her the security, the structure, and the richness of travel and cultural experiences. Through these experiences, she gained a sagacious passion for social advocacy through entrepreneurship dedicated to English language learners and their families.
Dr. Tierno is honored to apply her unique skill set to her deepest passion: to improve education, opportunities, and support for bilingual students and their families within an organization that encourages innovative leadership. She feels this to be a tremendous and important opportunity to advance bilingual development to prepare our children and families of all races for a global market economy.
Marymount College, New York; BA
University of Texas-Pan American; M.Ed.
Nova Southeastern University; Ed. D.

What inspired you to author this book?

The research in five major or Urban Centers across the country and my Qualitative research with Hispanic mothers on the Southern Border of Texas.

Where did you get the inspiration for your book’s cover?
Brain-based Learning and the years of studying the theme and it's strategies.

Who has been the most significant influence on you personally and as a writer?
Dr. Karen Bowser; Dissertation Chair and Laura Marsala; Editor and Graphics Specialist of twenty-five years with me.

What were your struggles or obstacles you had to overcome to get this book written?

Time and some people's procrastination.
Tell your readers about your book.
Andamio is written for Title 1 parent coordinators and their liaisons in 19,000 school districts in the country serving not just Hispanic parents but all lower SES parents. Out parents need to be more engaged in a way that teaches them how to help and work with their children ---who are now of the Swipe Generation!
The book covers the demographic issues, issues in lack of engagement how to produce training and more!



Who is your target audience, and why?
The target audience is Superintendents, School Administrators, Title 1 Parent Coordinators, and parent liaisons. Teachers are included in some sections. This was written, because nothing much is specifically written for Title 1 STAFF and how to put training together with the parents of their ELL children.

What do you consider your greatest success in life?
My education. Having worked in a mountain school and developed a program for Aymara Indian children, at nineteen.
My Foundation that served as partners with 5 major school districts training Bilingual/ESL teachers, the children they served and the parents of those children.
What one unique thing sets you apart from other writers in your genre?
In my genre, it is the research and the practical suggestions