Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Getting Your Child Ready for Kindergarten

I'll never forget the first time I sent each of my daughters off to kindergarten. I don't know who was more afraid -- me or them. Truth be told, I think it was me as I didn't know the stranger who was assigned to teach my child. I held high expectations because as a principal of the school at the time I knew what first days were like and now my baby was going to be in the middle of it.

Last summer, my four-year-old granddaughter attended pre-school for the first time. She was more than ready; her mother not so much. In fact, my granddaughter was so excited she woke her mother up at four a.m. and said, "It's time. I gotta go to school."

There was a reason for this -- she was prepared. Her entire life, she rode with her mother as they dropped off her brother to school. She always wanted to stay and go with him. So when the day arrived, she couldn't wait.

Not all children are this accepting. Some have real fears and are afraid. As parents, that is the last thing we want for them. That is why today's author and book are important.


KARSON Goes to Kindergarten Paperback