Monday, June 1, 2020

We Are Human Too: The Blueline Stories From DC

Today's BOOK OF THE DAY is very special to me because it details the humanity of police officers. Given the tension throughout a country surrounding the senseless death of George Floyd, the protests, the riots, and the attacks on police officers, I think it is important to point out that there are more fantastic cops than not. One of which is Carmelo Rodriguez who I had the honor of editing and publishing his book "We Are Human Too: The Blueline Stories from DC." His story is amazing and must be told. My hope, through his book, that healing can begin in our country and around the world. It is time that we all say, "Enough is enough and that all lives matter." Thank you, Carmelo for writing an outstanding book.

We Are Human Too: The Blueline Stories From DC Paperback – April 5, 2020