Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Evil Aliens with Afros: My lived experience with systematic racism in the 21st century

Evil Aliens with Afros: My lived experience with systematic racism in the 21st century. Kindle Edition
by Daniel Joseph (Author) 

In this compelling first-person account, Daniel Joseph explores systematic racism in the 21st century. From the impact of the wealth gap that exists between black and white people, to the interaction between black lives and the blue line. Reliving his experiences, including being called "Evil Aliens with Afros" in his youth, Joseph examines the overwhelming effects of racism throughout his, and his father's generation. Referring to the misinformation and fear of black people in the generations leading up to the early-90s, racial stereotyping has been put on trial as the most significant actor in the collective behaviour of negativity towards black people. However, offering some hope for a better future, Joseph reflects on the lessons learned over the years, how to fight for racial equality, and what we can do to engage more collaboratively.

·         File Size: 719 KB
·         Print Length: 42 pages
·         Publisher: Purple House Creative (July 21, 2020)
·         Publication Date: July 21, 2020
·         Sold by: Services LLC
·         Language: English
·         ASIN: B08DFNP67D

"There is no other book on the market like this one."



Daniel Joseph is a politician, author and business owner. He has a passion for his community and for helping others. Being raised in abject poverty and facing racism throughout his life, Joseph has learned that the most effective way to fight oppression is through love, care, and compassion.