Should I Do When I Feel Worried? Kindle Edition
A great resource for any teacher or a parent
trying to help a child recognize and manage feelings of worry and anxiety! This
book teaches children a cute and clever way to "erase" worry, but it
also goes through UNHELPFUL behaviors to avoid. It provides opportunities for
great discussion as to why certain behaviors could actually make you more
anxious. Even children typically reluctant to try calming strategies will be
drawn in by the simple illustrations, bold colors and cute, relatable turtle.
Product Details
File Size: 16938 KB
Print Length: 25 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: August 22,
Sold by: Amazon.com
Services LLC
Language: English
Charlie Lumière is a
personal development coach and former ESL (English as a second language)
teacher. She lives with her family in Toronto, Canada. She has a bilingual
bachelor of arts degree from York University. Charlie’s intention is to inspire
and empower children around the world by focusing on topics that cause inner
growth and awareness.