Dr. Mel and her husband. |
During this trying times, many couples find themselves lockdown with "Stay at Home" orders. For many, it has been a total nightmare, while for others, they have grown closer together. Before the Pandemic researched showed that the divorce rate was almost at 50% percent for all couples. Now, that the Pandemic hit, more couples are separating stating that they have simply fallen out of love. This brings a sadness to my heart as I have been happily married for thirty-seven years and my husband and I have been lockdown together since March 5, 2020. We have grown closer together, doing more things together, cooking together, and although, our customary Friday Night Date Nights no longer include us going to restaurants or shows, we find plenty to do to keep the romance going. We will have cocktails in the piano room or at our bar and we dress up for each other. We watch movies, take walks, and much more.
It isn't easy staying married that long; however, today's author, Dr. Sharon Yost, has plenty of advice in her new book "Heart First: How to Stay in Love When You're Falling out of it," published by Absolute Author Publishing house on July 7, 2020. I am also proud to say that I edited this magnificent book, so I can endorse the contents. If you are having problems in your relationship, I strongly recommend every couple read this book. In fact, each couple should purchase one book, so they can write it in and use it as a talking tool and open the lines of communication.
Heart First: How to Stay in Love When
You're Falling out of it
by Sharon Yost (Author), Melissa Caudle (Editor)
Product details
Paperback: 60 pages
Publisher: Absolute Author Publishing
House (July 7, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1649530188
ISBN-13: 978-1649530189
Product Dimensions: 5.8 x 0.1
x 8.3 inches
Dr. Sharon Yost was born and raised in Southern California, where she
earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business/Administration from the University of
Phoenix after which, she was accepted into the Master’s program at Chapman
University. She transferred to Shepherd’s Care Bible College, where she
completed a Licensed Doctor of Clinical Religious Counseling with a
concentration in Nutrition and
Herbal Counseling.
Dr. Yost is the author of “Connecting with Rhythm,” a guide
to awareness, winning relationships, and learning to care for self and others.
Yost’s approach is multi-faceted and has roots in a variety of disciplines that
focus on love, comfort, and social interactions. Her greatest influence was her
grandmother, who taught her good old-fashioned southern love and care toward
other human beings.
Her greatest inspiration for authoring this book is an
entirely personal experience. During her own two separate bouts of failed
marriages, Yost dedicated herself to educate research and learn about healthy
and unhealthy patterns when choosing a mate. Yost recognized that personality
traits, emotional support, and care are just as important as the physical work
in any healthy relationship.
She currently works as a Lifestyle Change Coach, Consultant,
Holistic Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Lifestyle Counselor,
and Holistic Creative Caregiver.
Learn more about Dr. Sharon Yost here.
Get relationship insights, tips, or book your Connecting with
Rhythm Session with Dr.
Sharon Yost now.
Email: drsharonyost@gmail.com
Dr. Sharon Yost
with Rhythm Workbook comes with the workshop.
Because relationship problems are
complex and multidimensional, the solutions require both a clinical, innovative,
and collaborative approach. Outcomes of many relationship conditions can be
improved if the psychological, emotional, and behavioral problems are dealt
with first.
In "Connecting with Rhythm,"
Dr. Sharon Yost teaches lovers how to combat a failing relationship by taking
into cognizance both physical, mental, and lifestyle choices that can affect relationships.
Her approach supports the
individual's intellectual, emotional, physical, spiritual, and interpersonal
development by revealing six powerful traits that can destroy or enhance love