Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Summary of Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life

Who remembers the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz? "If I only had a brain..." Guess what? As humans, we only use about 10% if our brain capacity. What if I told you there was a way for you increase your memory and how to learn anything faster? Would you want to know or would you fly by this post to the next one?

For me, my son-in-law, who is in the Coast Gaurd, always says that it only takes 15 minutes a day to learn anything and master it. I am in the process, at age 62, trying to learn how to hula hoop. Why? For the exercise. It's harder than it looks folks. I should stick to using my brain power.

With that said, hold your horses -- you want this BOOK OF THE DAY, "Summary of Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life," offered by Intensive Life Publishing. Take a look and start learning things faster. Start today on your exceptional journey... "If I only had a brain..." You'll think me later. 

Summary of Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life Kindle Edition

by Intensive Life Publishing  (Author)


You use only 10% of your brain.

Fact or fiction?

In this summary and analysis of the #1 Best Seller from Jim Kwik, Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life, you will learn:

·         how to improve your memory;

·         how your belief system affects your life;

·         how to introduce motivation to your life;

·         how to focus;

...and much more!

This summary and analysis can be:

·         your sneak peek before you buy the original book;

·         your reading companion while reading the original book;

·         your supplementary material after you read the original book.

Let's get your brain training on and make that first step into achieving being Limitless!

*This is an unofficial summary and analysis of Jim Kwik's Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life. This book only serves as a guide, is not the original book, and is not endorsed by Jim Kwik or his publisher.

Product details

·  File Size: 2089 KB

·  Print Length: 91 pages

·  Page Numbers Source ISBN: B08CWD48JJ

·  Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

·  Publication Date: July 11, 2020

·  Sold by: Amazon.com Services LLC

·  Language: English

About Intensive Life Publishing

We live in a fast-paced world; everyone is always doing something. We started Intensive Life Publishing so that we can help people get key ideas fast. Our mission is to provide you with accurate, well-written summaries of some of the world's best-selling books so that you, as our reader, can get the valuable information that you need. This also, in turn, promotes those fantastic, best-selling books and their respective authors.