Wow! Can I identify with today's BOOK OF THE DAY, "Home School Hell With Saint Corona Up To Bat: A Widowed Father's 70 Days In E-Learning Captivity," by Dave Heilmann. Here is why. I retired after 21 years of being a teacher, principal and a central office administrator in 2001. So, I say I know a little something about teaching. Now, COVID-19 hit, and my grandchildren are being homeschooled by their mother, with the help of the school during Zoom classes. How hard can that be? Wait! Let me tell you, those teachers aren't making enough money, and parent, they're about to pull their hair out. When my daughter has to work, guess who gets to be in charge of homeschooling class supervision? ME! I think if you're a parent or guardian homeschooling your kids, you're going to enjoy this break in reality. Take a look at today's BOOK OF THE DAY!
Home School Hell With Saint Corona Up To Bat: A Widowed Father's 70 Days In E-Learning Captivity Paperback – September 17, 2020
by Dave Heilmann (Author)
Home School Hell is for every parent
sentenced to remote learning prison, where the simple task of educating our
children at home is like catching a murder hornet.
funny, this book wryly captures the humorous daily struggles of a widowed
father of four young children. Common Core math, lice shampoo in the eyes,
infected Monopoly dice, and Styrofoam heads for pop bottle projects are only
the beginning of the chaotic adventures, many of which are now all too familiar
to parents turned remote learning teachers.
between laughs is a poignant letter to his wife, telling her what has happened
here on Earth, and how in the year 2020, when everything stopped, we had a
better chance to see. The value of a teacher. The courage of those who risk
their lives to save ours. The unfairness of disease. How we need hugs, lots of
hugs. The gift of time. And the power of humor in the most difficult moments of
our lives.
a book not only for parents but every person in this country right now who
could really use a smile.
Product Details
Item Weight: 8.3 ounces
Paperback: 194 pages
ISBN-10: 1944027793
ISBN-13: 978-1944027797
Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.44 x 8.5 inches
Publisher: Networlding
Publishing (September 17, 2020)
Language: English
Dave Heilmann
Dave is an attorney, former mayor, writer, and a humorist. He
has developed a reputation for his creative, thoughtful manner of being able to
weave humor into any organization to make it more productive, more enjoyable
and natural. He is a Founding Partner of The Headliners Consultants who lead a
revolutionary new approach to communication training utilizing humor, music and
media expertise. See more at
Dave has been featured in the Amazon Prime Video Series
SpeakUp for his presentation “Humor on Trial,” His law practice includes
employment law and civil defense litigation. His experience includes TV/radio
commercials, professional improvisation, writing original comedic scripts, and
founding a nationally recognized theater group.
Fun facts:
• Finding humor in everything he does, Dave was brought in by
TRU-TV to play Judge Dave for a season of Speeders Fight Back and was also a
featured humor columnist for Chicago Lawyer magazine.
• While Mayor of one of Illinois’ largest municipalities,
Dave was featured on Good Morning America for putting ”In the naaaame of love”
and other humorous sayings under his community’s stop signs.
• You may catch Dave on your TV or radio – he has been an
on-camera and voice-over actor for more than 100 commercials.
He is the father of four beautiful children and was married
to the love of his life, Erica, for 18 years.