Sunday, September 6, 2020

Beats For Sale with Musician Jesse Neo

I have a great new artist for you today. I think you're really going to enjoy meeting him as I did. Take a look and take a listen. And, be sure to follow him on all of his social media sites to keep informed and up-to-date on all things JESSE NEO, musician, artist, DJ, and producer.


Instagram: jessenneoofficial

Spotify: Jesse Neo

Describe your style.

I grew up playing classical music, so a lot of the musical styles from the Classical, Baroque, and Romantic have stuck with me. Then when I was in high school, I was suddenly intrigued by electronic and dance music. After taking some electronic music production classes, I realized how different they were from playing instruments, and I decided to be an electronic pop artist. All my songs are very edgy with modern elements and synths, but I also incorporate traditional elements into them as well.

Who or what has been the greatest influence on your style?

I am very influenced by Lady Gaga. She also grew up playing classical music, but somehow came out as a pop artist. She is always reinventing herself, and that is something that inspires me a lot.

How did you get started in your career?

After taking the electronic music production class, I released my first single onto online streaming platforms in 2017. Immediately, I drew in a lot of listeners and was even mentioned in several publications. Then suddenly, labels and YouTube channels were contacting me with requests to compose instrumental beats for them. I eventually kept doing what I was doing, continued to meet new people, and continued to expand my horizon. Now, I have just started a music platform where people can find beats for sale.

"Fans and music producers are raving about Jesse Neo."  Dr. Mel 

What struggles or barriers did you face, or are you facing to promote yourself and your work?

Because there are so many artists today, given by the fact of how easy it is to release new music, I think the biggest challenge is being noticed. And when people do notice, the next challenge is to keep them to stay.

What life lessons have you learned, and how have they influenced your style?

To never give up and always be true to yourself. You can only be inspired by yourself at the present moment, so don’t try to make your art or music sound like someone else’s. It took me a while to learn that.


Find out more about Jesse Neo here and here.
Download “Sex Magic” here.
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