Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Woman Does It Better: A Political Satire

Sometimes we all need a laugh or two and not take ourselves so seriously. I think this is especially true given the global pandemic. So, today's author interview and shout out goes to A Very Luck Lady.  Wait! I didn't make a mistake--A Very Lucky Lady is the author's name on her book. I think you'll enjoy meeting her and getting to know the book "A Woman Does it Better" A Political Satire."

A Woman Does It Better: A Political Satire Kindle Edition

by A Very Lucky Lady (Author) Format: Kindle Edition

What if a future President: Ended war. Abolished the IRS. Managed by statistics and results (Not media reports). And then got down to work attacking illiteracy, crime and healthcare? And took a stab at the media while at it. Oh, and she is a woman. Then after being the most popular President who has ever held office, she dictated her (abridged) memoirs to a lucky writer in a pithy satire with something to say about cutting back government intrusion into our daily lives.

Product details

·         File Size: 402 KB

·         Print Length: 46 pages

·         Publisher: Omearamedia (February 17, 2020)

·         Publication Date: February 17, 2020

·         Sold by: Services LLC

·         Language: English

·         ASIN: B084WZWJDP

·         Text-to-Speech: Enabled

·         X-Ray:

Not Enabled

·         Word Wise: Enabled

·         Lending: Enabled

·         Screen Reader: Supported

·         Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled 


Tell your readers a little about yourself, where you grew up, where you live now, where you went to school etc. Let them get to know the personal you.

I'm an "Army brat" who has lived in nine states, nine countries, and traveled to another dozen countries, so I've seen some of the world and experienced extremes of cultures (from liberal Thailand to oppressive Saudi Arabia).

All my life I was told I could "be anything" - and have personally experienced everything from teaching to managing and have lived through the incredible world changes as computers and cell phones have become the norm.

What inspired you to author this book?

I started writing this book when I was on a trip to Riga, Latvia. Jet-lagged, I began writing and couldn't stop. It's taken years for me to finish/edit/re-title and polish it up. But, I was determined to get it out into the world when, once again, it seems to old white guys are the only real choices for President of the USA in 2020. Could this really be true? Yes, unbelievably, it is. Time to get some strong women, not just politicians, into the mix!

Where did you get the inspiration for your book’s cover?

I knew I wanted the Presidential seal. So worked with an artist to make it clear from the cover that the book is about a woman President.

 Who has been the most significant influence on you personally and as a writer?

I have hundreds of books in my Audible book library, and have read classics and modern romance, crime mysteries and children's books, so this question is impossible to answer. But, my "criteria" would be 1) Great story 2) Wonderful writing. I'm working on adding a "great reads" list to the Woman Does It Better website - books that she's read!

What were your struggles or obstacles you had to overcome to get this book written?

Time, time, time. And determination. I finally heard a quote about how writing is a lonely job - and have to agree. Getting oneself determined to write, and follow through and publish, simply takes that - determination.

Tell your readers about your book.

If you are a woman, or politically minded at all - you'll love this book. It's short, smart, funny and tongue in cheek - like (I think) a good satire should be.

Imagine if a future woman President wrote her abbreviated memoirs BEFORE she was President - that's the premise. So she says what she wants to, about how she castrated the IRS, invested in education, and ended war on Earth. Please read, enjoy and REVIEW - as your thoughts are what will get others to take a chance and read.

Who is your target audience, and why?

PEOPLE! ADULTS! Everyone fed up with how politicians act like they are the most important people in the world when they are actually public servants. People who think politics should change. Especially WOMEN. Men have run politics on most places in the world for too long. Let's get smart women, not former lawyers or lifetime politicians, but executives, women who have made millions into the political world - despite the pay cut!

What do you consider your greatest success in life?

Any mom will tell you her children - as will I. Second is my many years in education - absolutely love seeing people look at me after realizing something. That's my "real" life.

What one unique thing sets you apart from other writers in your genre?

The way I look at life - I am not serious, And I want people to have a different look at life after reading what I have to say.