Saturday, August 1, 2020

Hunger: For those who know there's more...

Today is a glorious day to celebrate life. Why? Because we are all breathing and not six feet under. Each morning when I wake, I pour me a cup of coffee and sit out by my pool to gather in the morning glory. This morning was very active as I watched several cardinals, two finches, a sparrow, and some other bird I didn't recognize eat from our bird feeder and play in the bird bath. Sometimes it is the beauty that God provides that makes you sit and reflect. Of course, these moments are easy to praise Him. However, when life throws you a roadblock or a setback, are you so willing to give praise? Do you question Him? Do you think that maybe there is more out there. Where does your hunger lie?  Today's author, Caleb Wampler addresses some of these questions in his debut novel "Hunger. For those who know there's more..." I have read it and I must say it is remarkable. I highly recommend this book. Today, you get a chance to meet the author in his interview. First, a little about his book.

Hunger: For those who know there's more... 

by Caleb Wampler  (Author)

Occasionally a book comes along that doesn’t just challenge you but changes you — Hunger is that book! A riveting collection of heavenly encounters, you cannot be the same person who opened its cover when you close it. And though we thankfully have access to a precious surplus of Christian resources available to us, they are but a means to draw near to the Lord. Our most urgent need continues to be actual encounters with the living God. Hunger not only chronicles the encounters men of God have had with Him throughout church history; it is itself a heavenly encounter. Through Hunger readers will find: •An intensifying passion to seek and commune with God one on one. •A deepening intimacy with the Lord as they walk with Him.•A growing burden for souls that ignites a consuming desire to witness for Christ.•A heightening awareness of the eternal that inspires an impassioned pursuit of heavenly treasures. Not only will your faith in God be strengthened, your love for Him deepened, and your relationship with Him nourished, but your hunger to personally encounter God, Himself, will grow stubbornly unrelenting as you read Hunger and embrace its message.


Tell your readers a little about yourself, where you grew up, where you live now, where you went to school etc. Let them get to know the personal you.

My name is Caleb Wampler. I’m a missionary evangelist. I travel across the world ministering the Gospel message. I grew up in four states: California, Nebraska, Minnesota, and Florida. I currently reside in central Florida with my wife Harmonee, and my three kids Elisha, Eliana, and Caden. We are currently expecting baby number four in November.

What inspired you to author Hunger: For those who know there’s more…?

As I traveled about people would continue to ask me how they could find meaning in life, and what the secret ingredient was to being to live a life of fulfillment, purpose, a in doing something meaningful with their life. For me the answer was an easy one. It was having a Hunger for God. The thing that made it interesting was that in life, when we eat we are momentarily satisfied by the food we eat. But when we eat of the things that God has to offer, we get hungrier. So often people haven’t learned how to develop that hunger with God, and I wanted to answer that in this book.

Where did you get the inspiration for your book’s cover?

(not really a story for this one). Haha. I couldn’t find a picture that represented spiritual hunger, and I liked the design of how this one looked when I found it.

Who has been the most significant influence on you personally and as a writer?

I’ve had some incredible influences in my life. My parents were always the real deal. I grew up as a Pastors’ kid. As I met other Pastors’ kids over my life, many of them were cold to the things of God. What I found in my life, was that my parents were the same people in public as they were at home with me and my sister. I saw a genuine hunger for the things of God in them.

What were your struggles or obstacles you had to overcome to get this book written?

As any first time author finds, it’s not easy to get the message from your heart onto the pages of a book. It wasn’t always easy to find moments in my busy travel schedule to write. And when I wasn’t busy traveling I was always busy with my little ones at home (3 kids that are 5 and under). I realized though that if I could find the time and way to do it with the challenges I faced, that others could glean from the insights that I felt God was giving me for them.

Tell your readers about your book.

This book is genuinely meant to be an experience for you. Through a blend of amazing stories from people in history, to present-day encounters from people that are living now, I wanted to show that the things of God were not just meant for a special few people, but for everyone. In my life I experienced a truly living God who wanted to have relationship with people. I want everyone to experience what I’ve felt the Lord do in my life.

Who is your target audience, and why?

I wrote this for the people that that know there’s more to this life. I wrote it to the people that have questions and that are searching for meaning and for purpose. I was thinking of the people that know God is real, but that haven’t experienced Him in the way the Bible illustrates through the amazing stories within.

If you were going to give one reason for anyone looking at your book to read, why should they buy it?

If you want to be stirred on the inside of your soul, then this book was written for you. So many people are searching to fill a void on the inside that they just can’t seem to fill. They always find their gas tanks on empty after brief moments of temporary fulfillment.

What do you consider your greatest success in life?

I’ve found an amazing woman that I have the privilege of calling my wife. I’ve got three amazing children, with a fourth on the way that have become my joy!  With that said, the true treasure of my life is having a personal relationship with Jesus. He has taken me to heights I didn’t know were possible, and I’ve had the privilege of introducing him to hundreds of thousands of people in countries across the world. I want everyone to experience Jesus, the way I’ve found Him, and He’s found me!

What one unique thing sets you apart from other writers in your genre?

As Dr. Hagan, the President of North Central University writes in his endorsement, “To be honest, I haven’t read writers from Caleb’s generation that talk like this. It pierced my heart.” I’ve found few peers in my generation that have written books about this topic. I’ve heard many stories in history books, and have heard stories from those who have gone before me. I’ve rarely heard them from people my age.

How do you overcome writer’s block?

I read other books, watched videos, and listened to other ministers to help find fresh inspiration.

What one piece of advice do you have for new authors.

I’d encourage them to just write. The hardest thing about writing is getting the words out. Once the words are out of your heart, and onto the paper, it’s much easier to rearrange them. Don’t feel like you have to get it write the very first time. Just get it out!

Tell your readers anything else you want to share.

If you want to be challenged, stirred, encouraged, build your faith, and fill your heart with hope, then you need to get a copy of this book for you and a friend. It took me years to get it out and ready for you, but it will only take minutes for this to get into your heart and captivate you!


Caleb Wampler is a Missionary Evangelist who has a passionate desire to know Jesus and to advance His Kingdom into the earth. While growing up in a Pastor’s home, Caleb had several incredible encounters with the love of Jesus and power of the Holy Spirit. During his elementary, junior high, and high school years his life was marked by the starting of several prayer groups and bible studies, which ultimately led to an evangelistic outreach that took place on his high school campus in which hundreds of students heard the Gospel message. 

He entered into youth and young adult ministry for 6 years before meeting his future wife Harmonee, and graduating with a ministry degree from North Central University. Caleb married Harmonee in 2010 shortly after graduation. Caleb was licensed and ordained with the Assemblies of God before serving as Personal Assistant to Evangelist Daniel Kolenda of Christ for all Nations. The Wampler’s are now serving in full-time evangelistic ministry.
Caleb’s life has been marked by several supernatural encounters that began in his childhood, and continue to this present day. As these encounters have increased, there has been a grace to release impartation of a Kingdom lifestyle into those that are ministered to. The Wampler’s have echoed the prayer of Jesus, “Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” and are carriers of His Kingdom into the nations of the world. 
Caleb has witnessed incredible miracles and healings and has seen countless lives changed by the power of the Gospel from gas stations, restaurants, and shopping centers to the mission fields of the earth. The Wampler’s minister through the preaching of the Gospel, teaching, and the laying on of hands in Gospel Crusades, conferences, impartation services, house meetings, and churches as the Lord has confirmed His Word through salvations, signs, wonders, healings, and miracles. The Wampler’s currently reside in the Orlando, FL area with their children Elisha, Eliana and Caden.